"Memento Mori" by Vitalina Buhaiova, Chapter 75

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Chapter 75

October 24/2022

Dear Deary,

"Если не видишь недостатков в человеке, значит, ты влюбился. Идиот." — "If you can't see the flaws in a person, then you're fell in love. Idiot."

Антон Чехов.

   There is not one ideal person in the world, everyone makes mistakes, everyone has something in the past that he does not want to remember. Flaws are better than any idealization.

   If you see a person as perfect, you are in love. Just because you see a person as perfect doesn't mean they're perfect.

   If your love idealizes a person, this is bad. Such love does not lead to anything good. You must always see all these flaws. And if you love, you love and those flaws, that's true love.

   A person cannot be perfect, it is simply impossible, because it is impossible to comprehend perfection. Ideality is a trap of illusions that cannot be achieved.

Memento MoriOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz