"Memento Mori" by Vitalina Buhaiova, Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

February 24/2022

Dear Deary, 

"Un diavolo ne genera un altro." — "One devil begets another."

   To be honest, I hate political news, I am generally very far from politics, but today forces me to watch them all day.

   War. More like a word from a history book or some fantasy novel about a magical world, but not, today it's the real world.

   The most strange day for me, starting late at night. I woke up about five times throughout the night. Three of which were due to various nightmares, one even made me cry. How not to cry if, according to the plot, you are dying at the hands of a loved one? When he pushes you and your head breaks and you bleed... It's scary… You wouldn't wish this on even the most vicious enemy. I was woken up twice more by noise. Once because of the noise of the father who was going to work, and the second time from the sound like an explosion. As it became clear later, it really was an explosion, and such a force that the windows trembled. Later, explosions were also heard, but somewhere in the distance.

   It’s even strange that I’m not afraid, although my body told me otherwise in the morning, when I started to feel wildly sick, although this may be due to the fact that I drank a little yesterday. I don't know, this usually doesn't happen.

   Strange, to think about it in the twenty-first century. It's strange to keep the question in your head: "What if I die today?" You abruptly begin to think about the fact that you simply did not have time to do what you would like to do, etc.

   The whole world is screaming about what's happening on social media. People are going somewhere. Standing in huge queues at gas stations. They buy all food and water in stores, and medicines in pharmacies. They are asked to stay at home on the news, children do not go to school today, some do not even go to work, and those who go take their passports with them.

   Explosions are shown on the news, they talk about equipment shot down in the sky and about death on both sides. But the worst thing is that it doesn't scare most people. People are more worried about the moment when night falls on the earth. After all, what will happen at night is a huge mystery for everyone. Will there be silence or only worse? What's next? That's what really matters today.

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