Chapter Forty Four

Start from the beginning

"Bring the human, your uncle and I would like to talk to her." Rosa told Teresa as she began exiting the room.

Neither Teresa nor I moved an inch until she had left the room and we could no longer hear her footsteps in the hallway. I ran over and slammed the door, resting my head against it.

"I can't do this, she knows something." I whispered as I closed my eyes.

Teresa tried to reassure me. "She doesn't know anything. They are just going to ask you a few questions that's all."

My eyes snapped open. "That's all? You make it sound like this is going to be easy, if they find out what happened my life is over."

"They won't find ou-"

"Help me escape. Please I can't stay here." I interrupted her as I began pleading. "Please, please help me."

I couldn't keep doing this, I felt as though I was constantly on edge all the time scared that someone would find out the actual truth and would kill me.

"Nala, you know I can't-"

"Please." I repeated as tears began to stream down my face. "I'm sorry for what happened to your brother, it wasn't intentional."

Maybe it was my compromised vision but I felt as though I could see the conflict on Teresa's face as if she was considering what I was asking of her.

It was a huge ask, huge for anyone but especially for her. I was the woman who allegedly killed her brother and even though she might not want me to get punished for it for reasons that still remain unknown to me I knew this was asking too much.

But I had to ask, what other choice do I have?

"That's not possible." Teresa muttered softly. "I'll speak to Alessandro and we'll delay the interrogation and we will come up with a plan."

The small, tiny dot of hope I had that she might actually do what I am asking of her disappeared and I felt like letting out a scream.

"I meant what I said. Alessandro will not let anyone hurt you." Teresa looked so confident and strongly believed what she said whereas I didn't. "Stay here and don't do anything stupid, I'll speak to Alessandro."

Don't do anything stupid. I wanted to scoff at that. We did do something stupid and we were stupid to think we would get away with it.

We should have gone to the police and told them what happened that night, we were idiots to think we could cover it up and no one would find out. I didn't blame Cami, she was just a child defending herself. I blame myself, I was the adult, I was in charge, I should have made the decisions and I should have gone to the police.

Would anyone believe us now if we told the truth?

Alessandro went easy on me but I knew his parents wouldn't. Why would they? I was a human believed to have something to do with the disappearance of their nephew. They would torture the information out of me, I would do anything to protect Cami but I was losing it a little. I was on edge, my emotions all over the place and one mistake would end it for the both of us.

Maybe I should tell the truth?

Alessandro won't let anything happen to you. Teresa had said. Trust me, he won't let anyone hurt you.

There was something between us, I didn't know what it was but there was something there. Whatever it was, was it strong or deep enough for him to protect me?

He was already protecting me, like Teresa he knew some of the truth and he was still keeping me safe. That meant something. Why hadn't he killed me? He has every right to and yet here I am standing here, alive and well- sort of.

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