
Well, you can no longer see her skeleton. I'll give her this much, she's certainly a survivor.

Shielding Ishtar inside a protective barrier I rediverted my attention back to the ensuing battle after hiding her within my clothes, witnessing Ereshkigal expertly flowing between several scepters firing lasers and other ranged projectiles appearing from Gate of Babylon.

Aiming a steady hand forward, Ereshkigal launched four thin energy lances through the atmosphere.

Maneuvering throughout the open air, the four spells targeted slightly bent around two gallu, shooting forward to attack Daiki struggling to outpace the pair of adversaries chasing him from behind.


Swallowing the lances and adding the divine energy to her own, Daiki safely raced behind Riessa with the gallu not far behind as I appeared beside my dragon soul, our eyes gazing down at Ereshkigal from above as she returned my intense stare.

"I prefer to finish what I start. You and I already had our own little dance going, don't tell me you to escape from the little soiree we started?"

Watching Ereshkigal's expression become overshadowed by her hair fluttering rapidly in the frosty air. red mist swirled around her feet, working its way up to consume her body entirely as she emerged from the haze seconds later in her monstrous female gallu form.

"...Tangling with death is not something you should mock so haphazardly."

Her enlarged lance in one skeletal hand, Ereshkigal darted forward with a screaming battle cry.

The air began to condense at rapid speeds bending and warping the light sparks twinkling off the scales of my wings as I melted into the thick fog settling into the battlefield.

Circling under the first burst of energy swung from her lance, I flew around her at speeds faster than she could anticipate, spawning several smoky afterimages that converged on her from the fog.

With a wave of her hand, their forms dissipated back into the thick haze- an unprecedented updraft of wind sending Ereshkigal flying and dispelling every trace of the fog as a shrill roar tore up the ground and pierced through the air that it trembled under its strength-my exposed jaws glinting through the darkness at light speed as Ereshkigal managed to guard herself with her lance against my biting attack in dragon form by the skin of her teeth.

Shoving me back, I was quickly immobilized by five gold bars forming a tight circle around me while Ereshkigal put a few feet between us, unleashing her trap.

"I'll be stealing your soul."

Whirring nosily, like blades cleaving through the wind, they rotated, bathing me in Ereshkigal's power as she tried to steal my soul away.

"Then..." Feeling a terse sense of emptiness wash over me, waves of heat gathered in my mouth; my mind steeled to continue the fight, unbothered by the sensations the spell subjected upon me."

"...Then make sure to take the fury that comes with it."

Throwing my head up to the sky, the heat I'd been collecting turned into flames and then into elemental light with a bluish hue.

Shattering the constraints around me as easily as squishing grapes, a violent ray of light burst through the bars, descending upon Ereshkigal, its resemblance comparable to a shooting star raining from the heavens itself.

Billows of dust flew up from where Ereshkigal's ghastly form had plummeted into the ground. Newfound silence lingered in the air following the dying sounds of our heated battle, only to renew with rising intensity as the goddess of the underworld arose from the smoking crater twice her size, the shimmering remnants from the protective barrier she'd hastily conjured; every magical circuit making it up crumbling into nothingness.

Souls Of The Fateless (FGO x God's Wrath OC Series Story)Where stories live. Discover now