Oneshot No. 477 (1125 Words)

Start from the beginning

"But you flirt with, like, 10 girls on the daily," George says.

"Dude..." Bad says, quietly.

"Ok, and?" Dream says. "Fuck, where's that drink?!"

"You fuck half of them anyways," George mutters.

"Do you have a problem?" Dream says, raising his voice. Vee looks over. "It's not fucking rocket science. I don't wanna hook up with anyone."

"Then don't flirt with every fucking girl you meet unless you're actually gonna do something," George whisper-yells.

Vee comes over with Dream's drink. She takes her apron off.

"Hey, my shift is over, but do you wanna do something-"

"Meet me outside," Dream says. Bads eyes widen. Dream slides her a 100 dollar bill, and at first she's frozen, but then she goes to say bye to the employees.

"You want me to stop flirting with girls and actually fuck them? Your wish is granted," Dream mumbles. He's not into Vee, but now that George said that, he's gonna go home with her just because. "Oh, and I'm taking the car," Dream says with a smile. Vee comes over and he smoothly puts his arm over her and walks out with her.

"Dick!" George exclaims. A few people look over.

"You were the one that egged him on," Bad says.

"I didnt egg him on, I was just saying he needs to stop leading people on," George argues.

"That's not how you said it, and you know it. Grow up, George. Seriously," I mutter. I get up and grab my jacket.

"What- where are you going?" Bad asks.

"Im catching a cab home."

The next morning, Dream and Velvet are in the kitchen. George and I walk over at the same time. Dream is clearly not into her, but she's clinging onto him.

"Oh, the guys from the bar," Vee says.

"Yeah, I live with them," Dream says.

"Oh, cool." Vee looks around the house. "This is a realllyyyyy nice house."

"Thanks," Dream says, very plainly.

"Is it all of yours' or do they just kind of stay here?" Vee asks.

"I pay the bills, if that's what you're asking. It's my house."

"How's your little side piece going?" George mocks, very quietly.

"She's not a side piece. I don't have a 'main' piece. She's leaving soon," Dream mutters.

"Guess you didnt enjoy yourself last night, which is odd, considering how many girls you talk to. Would've thought you're dying for any kind of sex," George sighs. He says it kind of loud. Vee looks over . Dream looks like he's about to break the cup he's holding.

"Why are you being a cunt?" Dream asks, loudly. Velvet makes her way over

"I'm not. You're leading girls on, and only fucking them because I egged you on," George spits.

"What?" Vee says.

"Oh shit," I say. Bad is no where to be seen. Probably for the best, stuff is about to go down.  

"Nothing," George fakes a smile.

"Did you only get with me because you're friend told you to?" Vee asks, crossing her arms.

"No," Dream says.

"Sounds like it."

"This doesn't concern you. I think you should leave," Dream says.

"This does concern me," Velvet says.

"No, actually it doesn't. It's not about you." George says.

"Who even are you?" Vee spits.

"Velvet, leave," Dream says.

"Just like that? Huh, okay. You're a dick. Whatever," Velvet goes to Dream's room and grabs her stuff and leaves.

"I could kill you right now," Dream mutters to George.

"Well, you actually never act on what you say," George says.

"George, stop, dude," I say. "You're dying to get punched."

"Then do it," George looks at Dream. Without any hesitation, Dream gives him a rough punch across the face. George's lip bleeds a little. I don't know if a fights gonna break out right now.

"Let's just calm down..." I start, getting up. George gets up and Dream is behind the counter.

George shoves past Dream and grabs some ice and wraps it in a cloth.

"Cunt," he mutters.

"Watch your fucking mouth, or you'll get hit a second time."

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