Chapter 78

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Chapter 78 - I Like Only You, I Really Like You

The both of them went home together. Last year, Bian JinYuan wasn’t too keen on having Lu YunFei visit his home. He didn’t want to expose his poverty to him, and was worried that he would see shock, disgust, or even pity in his eyes.

But then, Lu YunFei had calmly waltzed into his home without disgust or pity, only warmth between the both of them. Bian JinYuan really liked that warmth, and so when Lu YunFei suggested visiting again this year, he didn’t reject it, and looked forward to his arrival instead.

Lu YunFei put his bag down and sat on the sofa while Bian JinYuan poured him a glass of warm water.

Lu YunFei took it over to warm his hands, and seeing the papers that had not yet been put away, expressed in shock, “You’ve already completed so much.”

Bian JinYuan replied calmly, “I had nothing else to do, so I just worked on them.”

“But you still went through them so quickly,” Lu YunFei exclaimed.

Bian JinYuan sat beside him and said gently, “I could continue accompanying you as you work on yours.”

Lu YunFei didn’t want to start doing homework so soon after arriving. He wanted to play for a bit, and so he and Bian JinYuan played a round of games before commencing on their papers.

Bian JinYuan sat beside him and switched on the small radiator lamp. He even handed him an electric hot water bottle as he accompanied him to work on his papers.

The both of them spent most of their time together working on English papers, because other subjects didn’t pose much of a problem to Lu YunFei. It was only English that, up till now, he wasn’t able to confidently say that he had it in his grasp.

Bian JinYuan helped him to correct a paper and calculate his marks, and said in surprise, “138.”

Lu YunFei was shocked, “You didn’t count incorrectly did you?”


Lu YunFei could hardly believe it. His English had been steadily improving ever since he’d gotten Bian JinYuan’s help, to the point where Lu YunFei had even scored 125 marks, something which he would have never believed before. But to think that he could score 138 this time… Lu YunFei couldn’t believe it, and could only surmise, “The questions were probably easier.”

Bian JinYuan thought so too, “But this is a good thing, it proves that you can still continue to improve. If the college entrance exams topics aren’t too difficult, you have a chance of aiming for 140.”

Lu YunFei heard this and felt that his heart couldn’t take it. If he could attain a score of 140 for English, it would mean that Tsinghua University was a shoe-in. At this notion, Lu YunFei felt that he had to digest this piece of news, and so he took a sip of water and decided to cool down by watching a video.

Bian JinYuan thought that he was a little cute this way and didn’t stop him. He pinched a few longans that Mother Lu had Lu YunFei bring over and placed them on a plate, proceeding to peel them for Lu YunFei.

Lu YunFei had never received such treatment before and felt that, “Bian Bian, you’re so virtuous.”

Bian JinYuan fed a longan into his mouth as he smiled, “Mmm, only virtuous toward you.”

Lu YunFei, “...…”

Lu YunFei felt as if an arrow had pierced his heart. He silently chewed on the longan and felt as if his face was burnt by the radiator.

Bian JinYuan oversaw Lu YunFei as he worked on two papers and helped him to explain the questions he got wrong as well as the extrapolated key points for the examination. Before they knew it, the sky had darkened.

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