Chapter 39

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Chapter 39 - Bian JinYuan, “I’ll Send Him.”

“I probably sprained it when I fell just now,” Lu YunFei said, “It’s starting to hurt again.”

The pain this time seemed worse than before, to the point where Lu YunFei had to ask for a substitute to replace him.

Bian JinYuan was worried and said to him, “Go have it looked at in the hospital.”

“You guys finish the match first, I’ll go after the match.”

“You go first,” Zhang Lang saw how he was and lost his will to compete as well. He looked at the current score, “Alright, we’re currently even. We’ll pick another date to finish the match. Go have your leg checked out. This match is just for fun, health comes first, the match comes second.”

“Then what about our friendship?”

Zhang Lang was dumbfounded, “Are you still sassing at this time! I think you’re not in enough pain!”

Lu YunFei, “…It’s quite painful.”

“If it hurts then go to the hospital, it would be troublesome if you really hurt your leg seriously,” Bian JinYuan advised.

Lu YunFei didn’t think that it was that bad, but considering how it was the same leg which had hurt twice already, he was also a little anxious about it, “Alright then, I’ll visit the hospital.”

“I’ll go with you,” Zhang Lang said in earnest.

“I’ll go too,” The big guy who had crashed into Lu YunFei earlier said guiltily, “I’m responsible for this.”

Lu YunFei shook his hand, “No need, I’ll just go with Bian JinYuan. This isn’t your fault, it’s normal to collide with each other during games like this. It’s not like you did this on purpose.”

“But I have a car,” The big guy added, “My driver is still here, I’ll send you. Isn’t this more convenient?”

Lu YunFei froze. Zhang Lang patted the shoulders of the large guy, “Li Cheng, next time say these important details earlier.”

Li Cheng rubbed his head as if embarrassed, and gave an, “Oh,” in reply.

Wen MingYi had initially wanted to accompany Lu YunFei, but Lu YunFei knew that he detested hospitals and didn’t let him accompany him, and so he and Bian JinYuan sat in Li Cheng’s car.

Li Cheng made a phone call after getting into the car, and summarised what had happened to the other person on the phone. Lu YunFei listened and waited for Li Cheng to end his phone call, but he hadn’t had time to ask him before Li Cheng naturally turned back to face him, “My brother-in-law is the director of the hospital. I’ve already explained things to him, so we can get it checked out immediately once we arrive.”

Lu YunFei raised his hand to give him a thumbs up.

Li Cheng smiled shyly and apologized to him once again.

Lu YunFei found him to be quite sincere and started chatting with him. From their conversation, Lu YunFei was surprised to find that for someone who looked brusque, Li Cheng was actually gentle and shy. It was such a gap moe.

Bian JinYuan listened silently to their conversation. He glanced at Li Cheng and didn’t say anything.

After they got down from the car, Li Cheng brought Lu YunFei straight away to get an x-ray, and then navigated to the Orthopedic specialist’s office with ease of familiarity.

The middle aged doctor took one look at him and gave a sound of surprise, “Xiao Cheng, where are you hurt this time?”

Lu YunFei twisted his head to look at Li Cheng. Li Cheng pointed to Lu YunFei embarrassedly, “Not me, I’m not injured. It’s him, his leg is hurt.”

After I Possessed the Tmall Genie of the School AdonisOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora