Chapter 68

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Chapter 68 - If I Don’t Like Him, You Won’t Be His Friend Anymore?

“Xiao Yuan, remember this. Don’t go towards people who don’t need you. You just need to have people who need you. You don’t need people who don’t need you in your life.”

Bian JinYuan raised his head, confused by the multiple strings of ‘need’ in her words, and obediently nodded. He never asked Bian Ting this question in the future, and got used to the fact that he only had his mother as he grew older. His father had somehow become someone whom he didn’t need in this way.

Bian JinYuan’s growing up years didn’t have anything to do with his father. Under such circumstances, he felt that he didn’t need the role of a father in his life. However at this moment, he wondered just what kind of person his father was that received his mother’s love.

This curiosity was irrelevant to his father as a person, but connected through the love of his mother.

Bian Jie waited for him to finish his prayers before taking Shuang Shuang over. She spoke of the things that had happened over the past year, and bent down to place the flowers that Shuang Shuang had given her in front of her grave. After that, she led Bian JinYuan and Shuang Shuang down the mountain.

Lu YunFei looked at the calendar and wondered if he should say something to Bian JinYuan seeing as it was his mother’s death anniversary. But what would he say? He thought for a long while and felt that nothing was appropriate. Eventually, he could only ask simply,【 Have you finished visiting your mother’s grave? 】

Bian JinYuan answered,【 Finishing shortly. 】

Lu YunFei asked,【 How are you feeling? 】

“I’m doing okay,” Bian JinYuan gave him a call, “I visit every year, so my emotions are now steady.”

“That’s good.”

“What about you, how are classes?”

“Quite good,” Lu YunFei said, and then remembered Dai HanSen, “I made a new friend, Dai HanSen from class three. He’s quite interesting. I’ll introduce you two when you come back.”

Bian JinYuan heard this and couldn’t help but get a little startled.

“A new friend?”

“That’s right,” Lu YunFei didn’t beat around the bush, “There weren’t a lot of people for the training classes, so we were all grouped in one classroom. There was no assigned seating, and we knew each other when he sat next to me.”

“You’re sharing a desk with him?”


Bian JinYuan nodded, “So I’ll have to find a new desk mate when I go back?”

“Of course not,” Lu YunFei refuted, “You’ll naturally sit with me when you come back.”

“Then what about your new friend?”

“I had already told him that I had someone sitting beside me, and that he’d have to change seats when you came.”

“Your new friend agreed?”

“Mmm,” Lu YunFei replied.

Bian JinYuan chuckled and muttered, “That may not be the case.”

“Don’t worry, it will be the case, I guarantee it.”

“Then you must be quite capable,” Bian JinYuan said unhurriedly, “Training classes have only gone on for three days, yet you’ve already made a new friend.”

Lu YunFei heard this and felt a tinkling that Bian JinYuan seemed to be making a statement within a statement. He mulled over it and asked, “Are you unhappy? Or you’re unwilling to?”

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