Chapter 70

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Chapter 70 - The First Conversation Between Father And Son

Both father and son were silent in the quiet car. Yuan Shuo kept glancing at the boy beside him, not knowing how to start the conversation. Meanwhile, Bian JinYuan couldn’t be bothered to initiate.

Eventually, Yuan Shuo broke the silence.

“Have you eaten? I’ll treat you to a meal.”

“Small Aunt has kept food for me, I’ll be eating at home.”

Yuan Shuo could only nod, “I see.”

He heard Bian JinYuan mention ‘small aunt’ and followed it up, “Your small aunt is named Bian Jie correct?”


“I heard your mother mention that she has a younger sister who looks a lot like her, only that she has a different personality, that she’s very gentle,” Yuan Shuo said, and then smiled as if he had thought of something, “You know it too, your mother’s personality is very carefree.”

Bian JinYuan remembered his mother and quietly replied with a, “Mmm.”

“You’re living with your Small Aunt now?” Yuan Shuo asked.

Bian JinYuan knew what he wanted to ask, and got to the point, “My mum has been gone since a long time ago. She passed away when I was in primary school.”

Yuan Shuo had on an obvious look of shock and disbelief.

He looked at Bian JinYuan, his expression dark, as if in defeat. His head lowered as he looked outside the window, as if to school his emotions.

Bian JinYuan looked at him and felt that this was strange. Did this poor excuse of a father not investigate their family’s situation? His current self seemed to be in pain at his mother’s passing.

“Apologies,” Yuan Shuo spent a long time to resume his composure from the shock, and said softly, “I didn’t know, Lu XiangMing hadn’t told me.”

“You’re talking about Lu YunFei’s father?” Bian JinYuan said calmly, “He doesn’t know. Lu YunFei knows, but he probably didn’t tell his family.”

Yuan Shuo nodded, his entire being seemed slightly in shock, When he had first heard about a boy who looked like him from Lu YunFei’s father, he hadn’t thought much about it, and had merely acknowledged it with a smile. It was only when he heard that his surname was ‘Bian’ when Yuan Shuo reigned in his smile to ask, “What surname? What character is it for ‘Bian’? Is it the ‘Bian’ from ‘edge’?”

“That’s right, it was my first time hearing this surname too,” Lu XiangMing said cheerfully.

Yuan Shuo couldn’t say the same for himself. This wasn’t his first time hearing of this surname. Twenty years ago, he knew a girl with this surname, a girl whom he still thought about time and again.

Yuan Shuo thought that perhaps this was a coincidence. While the surname ‘Bian’ could be said to be rare, even the rarest surname could be repeated in a large country like China. Moreover, he clearly recalled that neither he nor Bian Ting had a child when they were together.

While he tried to persuade himself, he couldn’t help but learn more about this child from Lu XiangMing. Lu XiangMing thought that he was simply intrigued by this child who shared similar features with him, so he shared more about him. However, his knowledge was limited as he didn’t know much about Bian JinYuan. As Yuan Shuo listened, he slowly pieced his memories together.

“My child will have my surname. Don’t you think that the surname ‘Bian’ sounds nice? I’ve got to pass it down.”

“But my surname doesn’t sound bad either.”

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