Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 - Why Are You Wearing PinRu’s Clothes?

In the end, all three grades decided to pick a school grass from their year before battling it out.

Nonetheless just one representative wasn’t enough, as the Science and Humanities majors didn’t want to acknowledge each other’s choices. The Humanities students expressed, I think that the school grass ought to follow the shape of a grass to determine the topography, weather, and characteristics of its residents; the Science students said, I think that the school grass needs to know when to have gravity, when not to have gravity, and when to balance gravity and friction.

As both majors refused to back down, the three grades eventually came to a vote: apart from year ones, the other two grades could select a representative from Humanities and Science each.

Seeing this, Lu YunFei thought that Wen MingYi’s position was cemented, that he would become the Humanities grass at the very least. Meanwhile, himself and Bian JinYuan weren’t so lucky. If none of them were able to become the school grass, then someone was going to wind up with nothing.

That was too tragic. Lu YunFei considered Bian JinYuan’s face and thought that it was handsome. It would be too tragic if he didn’t get any title. But what if the one who wound up without a title was himself? Lu YunFei thought that this was undeserved. How could he lose with his looks!

Harbouring these thoughts, the first thing that Lu YunFei did when he woke up the next morning was to open up the discussion board to check the results from the previous night. With just a glance, he instantly woke up, “What the fuck! Bian JinYuan had actually won?!”

Lu YunFei swiftly visited the last few pages of the thread and quickly surmised what had transpired the previous night. As it approached 10 pm, Wen MingYi continued to lead with tens of votes over himself and Bian JinYuan. At exactly 10 pm, Bian JinYuan surpassed himself with 8 votes, and, according to the agreement between the Jin Cake and Yun Cloud sisters, the two factions combined into one put forth all their efforts into voting for Bian JinYuan.

The Humanities students also swarmed into the field at this point, pouring in votes for Wen MingYi. However, Humanities only had seven classes compared to the Science major’s thirteen classes, and their unity wasn’t able to win against sheer numbers. As a result, Bian JinYuan easily won the crown, representing year two to participate in the Yi High school grass finals the day after.

The Humanities students were regretful, “It’s because you have too many people.”

The Science students were humble, “Actually you’re quite awesome too, it’s just that you have too few people.”

Eventually, the direction of the discussion board turned, “Good luck Bian JinYuan! The school grass has got to come from us year twos!”

Lu YunFei’s Yun Cloud sisters eagerly shouted their support, “Everyone has got to put in effort the day after tomorrow, the school grass has got to be Bian JinYuan!”

The Jin Cake sisters were shocked, “Sisters, you’ve come over to our side?”

Wen MingYi’s faction next door, the Wen Water⤊ sisters said, “Wake up, Bian JinYuan is so smart, but why are you all not smart at all?! If Bian JinYuan were to become the school grass, then Lu YunFei would become the grade grass. If Bian JinYuan isn’t able to take the title of school grass, then wouldn’t Lu YunFei fall into mediocrity?”

The Jin Cake sisters had a revelation, “Oh yeah.”

The Yun Cloud sisters exclaimed, “Our Fei Fei is so handsome, how could he become mediocre! Could you accept that? I can’t!”

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