Chapter 67

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Chapter 67 - A New Friend

Training classes commenced on 15 July. Not many students participated in the training classes this time, and so the school only designated a classroom—year three class one’s.

The previous batch of year threes had already graduated. Even though the college entrance exams results weren’t out yet, everyone had a measure of how well they scored after tabulating their marks, according to what Lu YunFei had read on the discussion board. Back then, Lu YunFei hadn’t felt much while reading the year threes’ discussions, but once he stepped into the classroom of year three class one, it struck him that he was going to be a year three next semester, and that the college entrance exams were not far off.

It was the Mathematics training class in the morning. Lu YunFei chose a window seat according to his habit. Many students who had already sat down started to stand back up to sit next to him, but just as they took two steps, they found that their targeted seat was already occupied by someone—Wen MingYi’s voice rang out before he’d even reached the seat. He called out to Lu YunFei and walked towards him.

The students in the classroom saw Wen MingYi sit next to Lu YunFei and whispered among themselves, “Why is he here? Isn’t Wen MingYi from Humanities? Humanities students are participating in the training classes this time huh.”

Lu YunFei wasn’t as surprised as them. Wen MingYi’s sciences weren’t bad, in fact they were on par with his. The only reason why he was in the Humanities track was purely to anger his ge.

Wen MingYi sat down and chatted with Lu YunFei as he took out his stationery and notebook.

Lu YunFei wondered aloud, “Are you attending the Physics class in the afternoon?”

“Nope,” Wen MingYi placed his bag in the desk pocket, “I haven’t studied Physics in a year and I no longer have interest in it.”


“Why isn’t Bian JinYuan here? Does it mean that I’ve got to give him this seat once he arrives?” Wen MingYi asked as he leaned on the desk.

Lu YunFei thought about how to answer this question. Logically he, Wen MingYi, and Bian JinYuan were good friends, and so they could choose to sit with anyone among themselves. But perhaps he had become used to Bian JinYuan as his desk mate, so if he had to choose between the two, Lu YunFei was invariably drawn towards Bian JinYuan.

He cleared his throat and was about to respond when he pointed to a girl nearby as if she were a his saviour, “Isn’t that the student committee representative from your class? Tch, it’s just the two of your from Humanities, and you’re even in the same class. The both of you have to unite at this time!”

Wen MingYi, “...…”

Wen MingYi looked upward mutely, feeling that his friend was too insincere.

Li Li was in charge of the Mathematics training class. Lu YunFei was used to her teaching style, and so the morning was over in a blink of an eye.

Wen MingYi accompanied Lu YunFei for lunch before leaving the school. Lu YunFei then entered the classroom, switched his notebook, and waited for the Physics training class to start.

There was still half an hour before class commenced. Bored, Lu YunFei plugged in his earphones to watch some videos on his phone. As he watched, he suddenly felt a shadow cast beside him. He looked up to find a handsome boy place his bag at the seat next to him. Seeing him look over, the boy smiled politely and initiated, “I’m Dai HanSen.”

“Lu YunFei.”

“I know,” Dai HanSen said as he smiled, “I’ve heard of you.”

Lu YunFei nodded and thought for a bit before saying, “You’d like to sit beside me?”

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