Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 - Gathering People For Betting, Reported For Gambling!

When Lu YunFei woke up in the Tmall Genie that night, he saw that Shuang Shuang was already sitting in front of him, and wanted him to tell him a story.

Lu YunFei thought for a bit, and began to tell the story is, ‘Calabash Brothers’. There were seven brothers, enough to to tell over a few days.

Bian JinYuan was doing his homework beside them. When Bian Jie came over, he told her, “Small Aunt, I may be leaving earlier tomorrow morning, so you don’t have to make breakfast for me, I’ll heat up the dumplings.”

“Why are you leaving early so suddenly?” Bian Jie asked.

“The sports festival is commencing soon. I signed up for an event, so I’ll be practicing for it.”

“I see,” Bian Jie smiled, “Then practice hard and try to get first place.”

“Don’t worry, there seems to be a prize if I really win.”

“That’s great,” Bian Jie was evidently happy, “Then good luck, Small Aunt will support you.”


Lu YunFei heard this and guessed that he was probably going to practise basketball. How serious, Lu YunFei thought, he still knows to practice. He’s very diligent.

The next morning, Lu YunFei woke up to his alarm and swiftly got out of bed. He hadn’t stopped thinking about Bian JinYuan practicing basketball in school, and was quite curious as to his skills, and so he told the driver upon entering the car, “Uncle Li, drive faster, I have something on today.”

Uncle Li stepped on the gas pedal and arrived at the school 25 minutes earlier than usual.

Lu YunFei didn’t even put his bag down and hugged a basketball as he headed straight to the gym. As he entered the large doors of the gym, he saw Bian JinYuan wearing his autumn uniform and shooting balls. In the morning light, the image of a young man wearing a white short sleeved shirt and navy pants as he leapt up high created a cool and charming sight.

After he was done shooting balls, he turned to look at Lu YunFei.

Lu YunFei twirled the basketball on his finger and said to him, “What a coincidence, you’re also practicing at school.”

It was a coincidence, but not unexpected. After all, the basketball match was an invitation by Lu YunFei. Hence, Bian JinYuan emitted a low, “Mmm,” in response.

Lu YunFei walked over and tossed his basketball to Bian JinYuan, “Let’s compete, I want to see your skill level.”

Bian JinYuan heard this and gave a rare smile, “You don’t even know my level and dared to invite me to your team.”

“Wasn't it because you said that you could play? You’re the top student in the school, there’s no reason for you to lie in this area.”

Bian JinYuan threw the basketball back at him and asked, “How do we compete?”

“You attack, I’ll defend. Later I’ll attack and you defends. Each person gets three chances.”

After I Possessed the Tmall Genie of the School AdonisWhere stories live. Discover now