Chapter 41

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Chapter 41 - Call Me Gege and I’ll Tell You Something

Bian JinYuan took the lead and seated himself on the bicycle. Li YuanQing saw that his good buddy was really going to be sent off via bicycle and felt an indescribable feeling.

Wen MingYi patted his shoulder, “Forget it, a bicycle is alright too. YunFei always travels by car and probably hasn’t traveled by bike much, so it’s good for him to try it.”

True to Wen MingYi’s words, Lu YunFei hadn’t really ridden bicycles often. He had always been fetched by drivers since he was young, and it was only in his first year of elementary school that he got a new bicycle, which he rode for half a school year. But that was him riding it alone, he had never ridden pillion before, nor had he given a ride to others. This time, it seemed quite fun for him to sit on Bian JinYuan’s bicycle.

“Where did you get your bicycle? I’d never seen you ride it before.”

“I’ve always had it, but it had been raining ever since school started, so I took the bus instead.”

“Then thank goodness it didn’t rain today,” Lu YunFei said, “But Bian JinYuan, did you really take leave?”


Lu YunFei sat on the bicycle and swung his good leg. Bian JinYuan noticed him doing that and reminded him, “Don’t swing, be careful of getting caught in the wheel.”

Lu YunFei quickly tucked his leg back and sat properly, the wheels turning in his mind.

There were lots of students on the road, and some were similar to them, bicycles with pillion riders. However, all of the pillion riders were girls. Lu YunFei looked at them and then tapped Bian JinYuan’s back, “Am I the first person you’ve given a ride to?”


Lu YunFei guessed as much, “Then you’re too tragic. People give the girl that they’re interested in the first ride. As for you, you’re giving a ride to a guy.”

Bian JinYuan smiled and didn’t reply, thinking that Lu YunFei’s thoughts were so random.

“But no problem,” Lu YunFei elaborated, “This way when your girlfriend starts picking on old histories with you and starts on the topic of bicycles, you won’t have to worry about which girl you gave a ride to.”

“Sit tight,” Bian JinYuan cautioned, “We’re going downhill soon.”

Hearing this, Lu YunFei clutched onto the bicycle seat tightly. However, Bian JinYuan rode fast, and the slope was at a steep incline. As they sped downhill, it was more exciting than he had anticipated. His left hand hugged Bian JinYuan’s bag while his right hand held tightly onto the bicycle seat, so he didn’t find it to be very stable. He let go of the seat and stretched out to grab onto Bian JinYuan’s waist.

Bian JinYuan startled, and looked down to see his pale wrist and the back of his hand.

“Let me hug you for a bit,” Lu YunFei announced, “Otherwise I’m afraid I’d fall off.”

“Mmm,” Bian JinYuan replied, a little bit unused to the feeling on his waist.

Lu YunFei sat on the bicycle and felt the rush of adrenaline as they sped down the hill. He happily stated, “My favourite thing to do when I used to ride my bicycle was going downhill, because it would go fast without me having to pedal. Amazing!”

“You’ve ridden bicycles before?”

“Of course, I saw how everyone rode bicycles and wanted to buy one as well. My bicycle was so cool! I loved it so much back in the day, but after that I got too lazy to ride it. Sigh.”

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