Chapter 30 : Birthday -2

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Vikram and Reena get seated in the garden while Reena asks "How's everything going?" And Vikram says shrugging "Nothing different...cases, investigations, criminals that's it." To which Reena nods and asks "Raghavan sir?"

Vikram says "I don't know..he's being normal...maybe he left his interest in KGF." And Reena says thinking "I don't think so Vikram...he's adamant when it comes to some particular cases...and KGF is one of them..I'm sure he might be doing something without letting you know." To which Vikram says "Maybe...but when you, of all people couldn't do anything, what could he do?"

Reena says "I had boundaries..being a partner's daughter and the owner's.." and pauses not knowing what to say while Vikram looks at her waiting for her to finish and she says "the owner's I don't know what...made me prefer this more than the investigation."

Vikram chuckles saying "Okay...and I think that's your "don't know what's " job to take care no CBI and KGF talk now.." To which Reena smiles saying "Okay.." and Vikram asks "What about the birthday party?"

Reena says "Dad said he's arranging some party...his friends and business partners might come...and my people are celebrating in KGF and one friend is already here...other is coming I guess?" And Vikram says "Yeah..priya is on her way.."

Reena nods at him and suddenly gets a thought wiping the smile on her face and she exclaims "Oh shit!" And Vikram gets startled seeing her sudden change and asks "What?"

Reena says "Business partners are going to come for the party.." and before Vikram could say anything, Rocky comes there saying "So?" Making them turn to him and Reena asks "What do you mean by so?..don't you know that it's risky?"

Rocky smiles at her asking "For whom?" And Reena says "Seriously? know that your partners are waiting to plan something against you...they are even ready to kill you..and you want to party with them?" While Rocky says "It's not good having a party without the partners..."

Reena sighs at his careless answer and says "'s my birthday...I've enjoyed it till's done...let's leave now." And Rocky says "Birthday has to be celebrated whole day Bangaram." Making her sigh again and says "Try to understand Rocky..this is not's too risky."

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