Chapter 6 : Kill lady and her Bracelet!

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A week passed. Reena was getting habituated to the place, people and everything around her while Rocky had his clear vision about expanding his business and Reena knew everything about this as she was the one looking after the financial aspects.

Rocky, Chacha and Vaanaram talking about work in the office room. Well, Vaanaram was actually talking to which Chaacha was listening but Rocky seemed to be in his thoughts which gets noticed by Chaacha.

Chaacha asks him "What are you thinking about beta?" Bringing Rocky out of his thoughts  and he asks him back "Chacha..What's your opinion about Reena?" Making Chaacha confused about the sudden question about Reena.

Though confused, he answers "Well, she's a nice girl, hard working and strong I guess." To which Rocky just nods his head and looks at vaanaram asking his answer which vaanaram understands and continues "She's polite and friendly with everyone...sweet and innocent girl in my opinion."

Rocky smiles lightly and says "I agree with everything you both said but the last word..Innocent...I'm not sure about that." To which Chaacha and vaanaram look at each other not understanding his statement and Chaacha asks him "What do you mean beta?"

Rocky adjusting himself leisurely in the chair continues saying "Well...don't get tensed by what I'm going to say.." while both of them look at him getting curious for his warning and he continues "She is from CBI...She came here to investigate about me and KGF" Making them shocked to the core and they blink their eyes trying to process the information.

Chaacha after coming back from the shock asks rocky "How and when did you know that?" And Rocky says "From the start.." and Vaanaram asks him "And you still brought her here with you?" To which Rocky shrugs his shoulders nodding casually.

Chaacha asks him back "Why?..when you knew that she's a threat to you...why did you behave as if you believed her and let her stay near you?" To which Rocky says "To understand that....there's something else you should know..." and vaanaram asks back "There's more shocking news?".

Rocky nods saying "Her full name is Reena Desai!.." Making them widen their eyes again and Vaanaram asks him "Desai?...does that mean she is.." he pauses thinking about it while Rocky finishes his statement "Rajendra Desai's daughter" Making them sigh in amusement.

Rocky sees their faces filled with questions and their confusion about which question to ask first, he chuckles lightly and says "I'll explain everything." To which both Chacha and Vaanaram nod waiting to get a clarity.

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