Chapter 23 : Truth is out!

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Everyone from KGF arrive at the Pooja as it was first time they were feeling that they belong to that place and it's their own as they had their king whom they worship as God.

Rocky comes a little late as he had some call to make and sees Reena who was waiting along with others, with a plate in her hands.

He goes and stands infront of her while she does his Tilak and both together climb up the stairs and complete the Pooja.

After the Pooja, everyone start lighting the lamps around the place and making it brighter even it was becoming dark as the sun has set already.

Reena hears chaacha and vaanaram talking where vaanaram asks Chaacha "Is Rajendra Desai really coming here?" And Chaacha says "Yes..Rocky told that."

Reena gets shocked hearing that and before she could hear the rest conversation, the kids drag her to light the lamps.

Reena thinks "Dad is coming here?..he'll definitely see me and before I tell the truth to Rocky, he'll say it..and then Rocky might not trust me...what do I do now?.."

Rocky sees chaacha and vaanaram talking seriously and goes near them and asks "What happened?" While vaanaram says "What's going to happen?" And Rocky looks at them asking what he meant.

Chaacha says "You saw Reena beti?..she's very happy...and we can see how happy you are too..then what's the need of her father here?" Making Rocky understand their tension.

Rocky says "I forgot to tell's true that I asked him to come here.. but just a while back, I called him and told not to..he's not coming.." Making them surprised and confused.

Rocky understands their confusion and says "See..until morning, I thought it's better if things get clear infront of her father as I was not sure about her reaction...but now I feel it's better if I tell her I'm going to talk to her today...and don't worry."

By the time, Reena reaches the mansion as she thought it's better if she goes there as her Dad wouldn't come there and she can talk to him Rocky directly after he comes home.

Rocky looks around to see her, but fails to find her so he goes to Fathima and asks "Ma..where is Reena?" And she says "She went home beta.." Making him surprised as she was happy with people around, then why did she leave in the middle.

He then leaves after telling chaacha and reaches home to see Farmaan sitting in the hall. Rocky asks him "What are you doing here?" And Farmaan says "Bhabhi asked me to drive I came with her.."

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