I cannot believe I'm one of those girls I used to laugh and scoff at. Whenever I used to watch movies and it included Stockholm syndrome I used to think, how? How can you like or even fall in with someone who's holding you captive? What do you see in that person other than a psychopath? Not that I was falling in love with him or even liking him, it was lust purely lust.

That thought made me laugh at loud. I used to laugh at those girls too, the human girls who would actively seek out Werewolves to fuck. They would have this look in their eyes, this dazed look as they described their tryst and how nothing could compare. Now look at me asking an Alpha, not even a regular Werewolves but an Alpha, to f*ck me.

Oh how the tables have turned.

I had to stay away from him, it would he hard since he was keeping me here against my will but I have to limit our interactions as much as I could, that will help me break or reduce the stupid thoughts and feelings I was having towards him.

It wasn't just me though, I'm not the only one causing this problem, he is. He is to blame for this as well, his actions and words are causing me to act like this. He has reiterated many times how much he dislikes humans and how 'weak' we are yet here he was asking me if I wanted him to fuck me. His words and behaviour do not suggest that he despises humans.

Well- sometimes it does. Some of his words and actions do indicate that he hates us humans but recently it has shown not exactly the opposite, I would go as far as saying he loves humans, however it does show that he doesn't hate humans as much as he claims to.

Another explanation entered my head and I found myself deciding that this was probably the actual reason.


That's it. He just wants to have sex. Typical male only thinking about his dick.

What about you?

I ignored the sniggering voice in my head, I had no intention of delving into that. Sliding my hands under the pillow cover, I pulled my phone out that I had hid earlier.

This was the reason why I agreed to kiss the Alpha.

And did a lot more too.

Unlocking the phone quickly, I scrolled through my contacts and called Cami, ignoring all the messages and missed calls I had received while I was held in captivity.

The phone rang for a few seconds and I made myself comfortable on the bed.

"Hello, Nala?" Cami's timid voice came through the phone.

"Yeah it's me." I told her as a smile graced my face. "I got my phone back."

"That's good." Cami whispered softly not sounding as happy about this as I was.

"I can call you more often now, I'll call you everyday and we can talk. There won't be much of an update from me, I literally do nothing here." I let out a small chuckle. "But you can tell me what you're doing and about your day."


"Cami?" The smile began to slip away from my face. "Is everything okay? What's going on?"

"I was thinking about you, I miss you."

Relief filled my body and a smile filled my face again however this time it was sad. "I miss you too, this is temporary. I'm going to come up with a plan and get out of here. We'll see each other soon."

"You shouldn't be there, you didn't do anything." Cami voice was filled with guilt and despair.

"I'm okay Cami, don't worry about me." I paused for a second before continuing. "I didn't get a chance to talk to you properly earlier, what have you been up to? How has your day been so far?" I wanted to distract her and get her mind off the guilt she was feeling.

"I should be there, you shouldn't be going through this."

"I'm not going through anything, seriously I'm just in the room. Nothing is happening to me, the only bad thing is that I'm bored out of my mind." I ended the sentence with a chuckle despite the panic that was slowly beginning to build up inside me.

"You shouldn't be there, it should be me." Cami repeated again, her words coming out in choked whispers and I knew she was in tears.

"Hey, hey. It's going to be okay. We're going to be okay." I tried to reassure her however my words did not help as little sobs began to fill my ear. "Please don't cry."

Cami's sobs slowly came to a halt after a minute or so as I patiently waited for her to calm down. I was going to reassure her that I wasn't in any pain or danger when Cami spoke again, her words causing my heart to skip a beat.

"I want to tell everyone the truth."


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter

Cami wants to tell the truth! Do you think she should? What should Nala do?

Let me know what you think is going to happen next

I will upload again in a few days but you can read ahead on www.patreon.com/kayy_b

Thank you for reading and enjoy your weekend!

-Kayy xx

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