Property papers

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The sentence 'Mr. Aakash Varma is the beast.' this was enough to call a storm of thoughts to people who had no idea about the whereabouts of the beast. When alok heard the words from noor, he wanted to laugh at it but the way her eyes were giving him the essence of truth was able to stop him right there on his spot. He had many questions in his mind to ask but noor was not paying any attention to him that he could gain something from her.

Her phone started to ring as she got up from her place and went towards the study table, taking the phone in her hand she sighed. She said something to alok and went out after collecting her necessary items while alok stayed in the same spot. He was not able to move, he felt his whole world has stopped because the beast who has destroyed his life completely was alive in front of him.

He stayed in the same place for more minutes and when he got his senses back he started to search for noor, he facepalmed himself knowing she just left a few minutes before informing him she has to go to her home as she has to sign a few papers.

He knew he had to do something about the statement that noor just made. He sat down on his bed to swallow the lump of reality which was biting him hard, he called a servant and asked him to call ninad to his office cabin. When the servant left him after bowing down his head in front of him, he sighed and walked towards the mirror after getting up from his place.

He looked at himself in the reflection of the mirror as he uttered a few words, 'If this is the truth then no one can stop ninad from going after him.' Alok knew he can not hide the truth from ninad for a long time. Noor has married him to complete her revenge and sooner or later ninad will get to know about everything.

He took a deep breath and started to walk towards the bedroom, he knew he had to face ninad and tell him what noor has said to him.


"Is he treating you right?"

"How is his family's behaviour towards you?"

"Are they asking you to do home chores?"

"Are you getting the respect you used to get here?"

"Do you think you can settle there with your spouse and live a nice life?"

Mr Raichad were bombarding noor with questions, who was calm as sea, her face held a small smile which was irritating Mr Raichad, he wanted her to tell him that his family is treating her badly, so he could pull her out of the marriage and ask her to stay with him forever.

"They are treating me nicely and alok is a very nice person. We have started our relationship with friends so that we could find our comfort in each other." said noor. For sure, their relationship was far away from friendship, it was tied around the contract of killing and getting revenge on their family members but she knew she can not open her secret in front of her father or else she would be meeting her death as her sister did.

"That sounds great, I guess." Mr Raichad said while he was gritting his teeth in frustration that his daughter is liking a person whom he hates.

A knock appeared on the door as Mr Raichad asked the person to enter, noor waited for the person to do what he has came for as the person walked towards the table and placed a few papers in front of noor who smiled at the person and started to read the papers while he sat down beside her on the chair.

"My son, I hope you have checked the papers before coming here." Mr Raichad asked his elder son.

"Yes, dad. I did." said Vishal Raichand.

"Very well then I can sign the papers. I guess." said noor who was forcing herself to smile. She never wanted to do something like this ever but she has no choice in what she is doing.

"Congratulations brother." said noor. She signed the papers and gave back them to his brother who collected them from her with a smile on his face which was poking noor telling her how happy he is.

"Thanks, my lovely sister." said Vishal Raichand. He could not handle himself as he kept looking at the papers continuously. He always wanted his stepmother's property for himself and for his father. Now, he and his father were the owners of the land of acres.

Noor looked at her brother who could not keep his eyes away from the papers, she knew he always wanted her mother's property for himself but her father wanted to have a part of the property as well. So, they both decided to be 50-50 partners in the deal but when noor checked the papers she saw the loophole which her brother has made in the papers which states that he has more percentage than her father and the thought of her brother is lying to his own father gives her the sense of the reality that no one is loyal and trustworthy completely.

"My job is done here. I need to get going now as I have to check the preparations for the dinner as well." said noor, she stood up from her place while smiling at her father and brother.

"You are going to do what?" Mr Raichad asked.

"Dad, don't be surprised. I have to take care of my new family as well and also this is the tradition that daughter-in-law has to take care of her family's food timing." said noor.

Mr Raichad did not like the fact that his daughter is going to cook food for people, he never asked her to step into the kitchen even though she knows how to cook and here she was telling her father about her planning for cooking.

"Bye, dad and congratulations once again brother." said noor.

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