beast's whereabouts

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Ninad and Alok were staring at the noor, who was busy checking out a few papers. When alok informed ninad about the statement noor had made, they both tried to find some information if Aakash Varma has some kind of connection with the presence of the beast or not but they could not find anything about it. It was like there was no information about Aakash Varma. Every spy, newspaper, and informer has only one thing to say. Aakash Varma was getting an education in America and he had been there for 15- years.

"Have you checked these papers?" asked noor while placing the file on the table and seeking attention from alok and ninad.

"Not yet. The file arrived in the morning and we did not get any time to check it." said ninad who wanted to stay on the point as much as possible.

"Very well. This contract will give you no gain in the near future." said noor.

"Why do you think so? Have you ever met Mr Rajiv Sainal? I have heard he is great in what he does." said ninad.

"Yeah, that's the difference between knowing and studying the person. As per my information, Rajiv has an issue with investing money in gambling and has no sense of doing business. Whatever he has done in the business was handled by his younger brother Rajesh. If you are going to be sure that Rajesh is going to handle the future deals and business then you should invest it otherwise you can never gain the profit from Rajiv's mind." said noor. She smiled at ninad and started to do some work on her phone.

Ninad looked at alok knowing noor was right, he has done his study on the file but he did not mention it to the noor. He wanted to know if noor really has knowledge about business or not and here again noor passed the test.

A knock appeared on the door as Saisha entered the office cabin with a smile, she looked at her husband and walked towards him.

"We all should settle down on the couch then." said ninad, he stood up from his place, taking his wife's hand in his, he walked towards the couch.

Noor looked at alok who nodded his head to her telling her to follow ninad, he sat back pressing down the button from under the table and locking the door, he stood up from his place, straightening his shirt he walked towards the couch, where ninad was sitting with his wife on the middle couch while noor sat down on the right side chair as alok sat down on the left side chair.

"Alok told me what you mentioned to him yesterday." said ninad, starting the discussion without wasting another minute as he was waiting for his wife to arrive.

"Hmm." hummed noor who was just thinking about what she should do now. Should she tell them the whole truth or just the things which they should know to help her to get her revenge?

"Why do you think Aakash Varma is the beast?" asked alok who had this question in his mind from yesterday.

"You are the girl from the dungeon, aren't you?" said saisha who just wanted Noor's yes or no to calm down her beating heart.

Noor looked at the people who had questions for her to answer, she took a deep breath while closing her eyes, trying to calm down herself.

"Yes, I am the girl from the dungeon who helped you to run away from him." said noor, opening her eyes and making eye contact with saisha as ninad and alok were surprised.

When noor saw saisha in the wedding hall for the first time, she knew saisha recognized her and someday she has to tell her that they have met before, in the dungeon to be sure, but she never thought that she has to do it just after a day.

"I knew." whispered saisha, looking into the ninad's eyes and telling him that she was right.

"Why do you think Aakash Varma is the ---" alok was going to repeat his question again but before he could complete his question noor answered him,  "I have spent my life's 6 years with him, how can not I know him? I know him from his toe to his head. I know every small detail about him. I can even assume his next moves after being with him for 5 minutes in the same room." said noor.

Her eyes were closed but her words were enough to tear the hearts of the people who were sitting in front of her, staring at her, trying their best to believe her.

"What do you mean by saying this? We have done our study Aakash Varma was in America when the beast appeared in the mafia world." said alok.

"That was a lie." said noor.

"How can it be?" asked ninad.

"Aakash Varma's father wanted him to get the training that you both got from my father but your father had already signed my father under his name for years and years in exchange for the mafia's lavish life. So Aakash Varma's father asked my father if he could find some other way to give some training to his son.

At first, my father denied the offer thinking Mr Acharya (Alok's father) will kill him if he found out about it but then he needed more money to handle his mafia world, so he agreed. He asked Aakash Varma's father to create a scene where everyone would think that his son is living somewhere else while he is getting training from him.

Aakash Varma's father had a plan for this situation, he sent Moksha Pilai to America in the name of his son, Aakash Varma. He forced Moksha Pilai to stay with his parents and asked him to continue his study in Business Administration while he sent his son to the rajegaon village to get training from my father.

Everything was settled but Aakash Varma's father had to be sure that no one would ever find out about his hidden truth. So, he started to tell everyone that his son is getting a degree in America and for that, he asked many reporters to add a headline in the newspapers. That's how this lie became the news and then reality for everyone.

If you still think that whatever I am saying is a lie then you can search for Aakash Varma's grandparent's will, they have mentioned Moksha Pilai's name in their will giving him the IT company to handle it. He stays in America to this date, but he never came back to India since he was an orphan, he decided to take care of  Aakash Varma's grandparents and live his life as their grandson." said noor.

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