the plan 2

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Noor was lying down on the bed thinking about her plan, she knew she had to have something to be on the good side of the alok's grandfather. She had so many secrets and only a few of them were open to alok with this realization, she knew alok has never shared his hidden secrets with her as well, so they both were on the same side of the coin.

A knock appeared on the door, noor smiled to herself knowing she got the right person to accomplish her job, she got up from her place and sat down in the lady's way. She turned her head towards the door and said, "come in, roger."

"You asked a maid to give me your salad" roger said, he walked down towards the sliding table and settled down the dish on it then he placed the table in front of noor.

"Please have a seat, roger." demanded noor. Roger was confused by her words but stayed still on his spot. Roger knew who noor was, he has been in the contact with her from the start when noor started to plan out everything for herself. He kept his loyalty aside and shared every piece of information with noor when noor offered to take care of his daughter.

Roger had two children, one was his elder son who was already a member of security team in the Acharya family and then his younger daughter aged 15 who was gaining her education in the other city with his wife. 

Roger never wanted his daughter to be part of mafia, he knew now matter what his daughter studies or get a high profile job, mafia people would drag her into the mess and will announce her as mistress or submissive for other mafia people to gain the advantage in their bad politics.

He pushed down every thought and whispered few words to noor by bowing down his head, "are you sure miss?"

 Noor raised her hand towards the chair which was placed in the other corner of the room as she said, "Yes, roger and please sit down on the chair. I do not like it when you sits on the floor. We are humans and we should give respect to other humans as well."

When roger and noor had agreement between them that she will take care of his daughter and will send her to other country by planting fake accident and in exchange he will give her every information of the Acharya mansion.

"Yes, miss." roger said as he followed her every word blindly and found himself in the chair sitting in front of noor. It was strict rule in the Acharya mansion that no worker would use the chair, sofa, bed to sit in any condition, they will sit on the floor in order to pay respect to the Acharya family members.

"I want you to do something." noor said, she kept eating her salad as roger nodded his head to her.


"You have killed Sneha Saishwal!?" asked alok's grandfather. He was furious when he heard the news from his informer, informing him that noor has killed the heiress of Saishwal industries.

The preferred move he attempted was to hide the truth from the Saishwal family. He made a false incident to present in front of the Saishwal family when the Saishwal family's head means Sneha's father asked Alok's grandfather to help him to find the person who has killed his daughter.

First, He found an orphan child from his office staff to put blame on him. Second, he made a story that an orphan child was obsessed with Sneha and he wanted her to marry him. Third, he asked alok to say yes to his story as they both made Sneha's father believe that he said no to the marriage because the same orphan guy asked him to say no as they both were in love with each other and he was going to marry her when he will have enough money to buy a home for them.

Saishwal family did not waste a moment and started to torture the poor guy in front of the Acharya family. The guy who was bearing every pain had no idea why he was going through this torture as he was deaf and because of that he was not able to understand what Saishwal's family members were saying, he was just a random security guy who was asked to be present in the torture cell after wearing the clothes he was offered to. Acharya's family had raised him from the start of his life, so he did not ask any questions as often he was showered with clothes and sweets. 

Acharya's family had sheltered many orphan children so they could use them when the real-time comes, and being the head of the family Alok's grandfather had always secured the safety of his family members first before others.

 "After the attack, I captured one man from the night who was there to kidnap me. I tortured him and gather information and that's when I got to know Sneha had an admirable plan to kill alok as he broke their relationship and married me. She had a plan saying that first, she will kidnap me and then she would lure alok into the trap and then she will kill both of us. I could not hold myself back after hearing the truth. How can I let someone kill my husband whom I love with all of my heart." said noor.

Noor knew Alok's grandfather had no care for her but he deeply cared for his grandson and she used the same lovable thing to trap him down.

"Who helped you?" asked Alok's grandfather.

"Roger." said noor. The word boomed into the atmosphere as roger walked two steps forward from his position while keeping his eyes attached to the ground, he said.

"Master, I had no motive to help miss but when she told me that girl was going to kill our young master. I just knew I had to help her, so I did. I am very sorry for my decision, master as I decided to work on it without your permission."

Alok's grandfather was busy looking from noor to roger as he was trying to gather his brain to the point that noor literally killed Sneha Saishwal to save his grandson. He was sure of one thing at the moment roger would never betray him as he has been serving him from an early age.

He looked at his grandson who has been present in the same room from the time when noor walked into it.

"I always knew she had a crazy kind of obsession with me from the start and she had proved it many times in front of me, killing people just because they looked at me for more than a few seconds or hitting someone just because he/she smiled at me. For sure, she had weird ways to prove that she loved me but I would never have thought that she would actually plan to kill me." said alok.

By now, he knew why noor had killed sneha, Noor wanted to have a special place in his grandfather's heart and she could only achieve this by killing someone for his grandson and in that plan, Sneha just walked innocently and got herself killed.

"What's the proof that you are not lying about the dead person in the basement." asked Alok's grandfather.

Noor nodded her head to him and forwarded her head towards him with a small pen drive in her hand. Alok got up from his place and walked towards noor while adjusting his coat, he got the pen drive from noor, staring at her for a few seconds and then he turned towards the table, got the laptop and attached the pen drive to it and played the only video pen drive had to offer.

Every person who was present in the cabin stared at the laptop's screen, watching the fake scene which was unfolding in front of them as all of them were getting agreed to Noor's words.

Alok's lips turned into a smirk knowing he has married the perfect girl who knows how to plan and how to kill without getting her hand dirty.

After watching the 5 minutes video, Alok's grandfather dismissed everyone from his cabin and stayed back knowing he has to believe his granddaughter-in-law and his grandson at the moment.

He knew noor was known to play dirty tricks into the business but the same girl getting her hand dirty for his grandson was something he could not digest easily but he smiled knowing his grandson is in safe hands.

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