marriage proposal

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A table was decorated with many plates of designer clothes, designer jewellery, sweets, money, and coconuts with flowers to present the marriage proposal for noor from Alok's family.

(In many Indian wedding proposals, people give a coconut to another family to start the relationship.)

Alok's family was happy knowing their son had decided to get married to noor who is not only beautiful but was having experience handling businesses. They always pressured him to get married so he could have a son who will lead their family's legacy after alok but he would say no, mentioning he has not met a person whom he thinks is suitable to be his wife.

Alok's father was looking at noor only to understand why his son has decided to have noor as his wife. He has handled a few business projects with noor and with that experience, he knew noor is a puppet master who would let you think you are having the upper hand in what you are doing but in truth, she would be the one who will pull the strings of your life.

Noor's father was seated with his two sons on his right side and one son on his left side while noor was standing behind him. In front of Alok's family, he was trying to sound happy as he never wanted noor to get married to Alok. Alok had a bad name in the mafia world, known to be a manipulator who can get anything he wants.

For him, his daughter was like some fragile flower which he did not want someone like alok to destroy for his wishes. He wanted a son-in-law who would take care of her and would help him to spread his wings in the mafia world but he knew one thing either he can get a nice son-in-law or can spread his wings in the mafia but he can never have both at the same time. Mainly, he was trying to find a non-paid assassin whom he could order and would get his job done in a few days.

Whoever would look at him would think how nicely he was trying to find a husband for his daughter as he was putting so much effort into the marriage but the reality was far away from his efforts.

"Mr Raichad, shall we think this relationship is confirmed from your side and you have no issues with anything? So, we can go ahead and start the marriage preparations," said alok's father.

"Well, I do not have any issue with this marriage proposal but I would like to suggest one thing if you both don't mind." Noor's father said.

Noor's father knew he can not go against the idea of rejecting alok's marriage proposal and even if he tries to do then alok's father would put a bullet in the middle of his eyes and would finish his life to proceed further things.

Alok's father was famous for losing his temper at simple things and killing many people for cheap reasons, many people were afraid of this behaviour of him and Noor's father was one of them.

"Yes, tell me what is it?" said Alok's grandfather.

"I would like both young people to have a conversation and if they say yes then we can go further," said Noor's father, everyone agreed to his idea as everyone smiled at him warmly calming the thunder of his heart.

"Miss noor, please lead the way so we can have a conversation privately," said alok.

Alok did not want to waste time as he wanted to know what kind of plan noor was having in her mind to kill the person whose name people does not mention.

"Sure, Mr. Alok." said Noor. Alok was surprised to see how her voice was dipped in honey. He could not believe that she was the same girl who was talking to him with confidence and was ready to have blood on her hands just to fulfil her wishes and that the same thing had happened just two weeks ago.

"Father, shall we go to my bedroom so that we could talk more privately and try to understand each other nicely." said noor.  Noor's father smiled at his daughter and nodded his head in agreement.

Noor started to walk towards her bedroom as alok was following her like a lost puppy who was still trying to digest how can noor have two different voice tones to have authority over him and her family.

A maid followed the couple with a tray filled with two cups of tea and a plate of biscuits. She has been ordered to follow but more than that she has been ordered to see what noor would say behind her father.

The couple reached the bedroom door as noor pushed the door opening a grey-coloured bedroom. Alok entered the room and was surprised to see that her bedroom has no photos or any posters to declare she is a girl.

The whole room was dipped in a grey colour, the room had countable things to say, a full-length mirror was placed on the left side of the bed, and there was a huge window with a balcony in between the full-length mirror and a study table. He could see she had no wardrobe as one cupboard was placed in the bathroom saying she had a very basic thing which helps us to live. He could see she had only a chair beside the study table.

Alok went towards the study table and pulled out the table to sit down, he looked at noor who warmly smiled at him and sat down in front of him on the bed while the maid placed the two cups of tea and a plate of biscuits on the table and bowed her head in respect in front alok.

Alok knew why she has been following them, he heavily sighed and said, "you can leave now. I would like to say a few private things to miss. noor."

The maid wanted to say something and wanted to stay but as soon as her eyes met Alok's eyes she knew she has to get out of the room if she wants to save her life. She knew her master would let her go if she says alok asked her to leave the room.

As soon as the maid left the room and closed the door behind her, noor moved her hand forward and opened the only drawer of her study table and took out a few photographs. She took out the lighter from her right side pocket of the dress and placed it very close to the photos, she clicked the button of the lighter as the flame came out and hugged the photos to live a little life. Noor smiled at herself knowing she has crossed another step of her plan.

"What is it?" asked alok.

"These are the pictures of a few amazing guys who have the potential to help me to achieve what I want but now I do not need them so I am burning them promising you that from now on your enemy would be my enemy and your every dream or goal is my responsibility to complete." said noor.

Alok was shocked to see the behaviour of noor but he knew if she is a psycho-minded person then he is as well more than that he was shocked to see that noor had other plans too to achieve what she wanted. 

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