pregnant lady

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Noor was staring at her reflection in the mirror, her eyes were stuck on the wound on her right-hand shoulder, somehow she could not keep her eyes away from it even when alok said that he will take care of the person who has done it. She agreed with his words but could not stay calm after the incident.

Yesterday night, when they both were coming home from the hospital, a couple stopped their car asking for help, noor could see they both were relatively young and the lady was pregnant, her baby bump was on display telling her that she must be around seven months pregnant.

At first, alok wanted to ignore them but when noor agreed to help. They both came out of their car as alok went ahead and started to check their car's engine, trying to find the issue while noor stayed back asking if they need a ride to reach their home.

Noor kept asking a lady questions about her pregnancy as noor felt excited thinking about the baby as they were talking noor saw a few men coming out of the woods, and noor cursed under her breath knowing they have trapped in the plan.

To ignore the traffic and to reach home as soon as possible, to have some rest before they could get ready to arrive at the hospital for further process, alok decided to take the forest road, which was short and had very less rush. but now his decision was biting him back. Alok looked back at his wife, who was ready to fight back with the people.

Alok walked back to his wife and stood beside her holding her hand as he assured her with his eyes that everything is going to be okay, they are going to come out of the situation without getting harmed but here it was noor who was ready to kill every person who will come to her.

They both looked at the couple as the lady removed the fake baby pillow from her dress, she smirked at them as she threw the baby pillow away from her. The stranger couple looked at each other as the lady decided to speak,

"We do not want to harm the heir of the Acharya family, we will back down if you decide to hand over your wife."

Alok released a breath as he uttered, "over my dead body."

Noor was said to be surprised by his words but she knew they have promised each other that they will fight for themselves, and for their relationship so they could get revenge by creating trust between them.

"I do not think this is the best idea to act on right now. There are at least 10 people around us and there could be more hiding in the forest." whispered noor, alok nodded his head to her knowing she is right but he can not back down now, he has to fight.

One thought that was crossing alok's mind continuously, he has already lost his one sister, another one is fighting to get her daily life steady and here noor was, another female of his life whom he wanted to protect at any cost because she has already been through the worst situations.

"Are you sure? because I do not want you to say that I did not give you another chance to decide what you should do." the lady said.

"And I really do not need your another chance before you will give me the chance, I will have your blood on my hands." alok said.

While the lady and alok were having a discussion, noor pushed her right hand into her hoodie's pocket and typed a few numbers to dial one person's number which was ninad's number. When alok shared a family member's contact numbers with her, she remembered them in a day for future help, after staying in the mafia world for decades, noor knew she has to do everything to come out of any strange situation and because of that, she learnt how to use the phone without checking it with her eyes rather than using her fingers and brain's memory.

She knew maybe they can take down more than 20 people's life at this moment but can not stay strong if people continues to come and the way people were coming out of the forest every 5-10 minutes confirmed her doubt.

"Why do you want me instead of alok?" asked noor.

"I do not want you. We are just following the orders that our boss gave us. So, what do you two decide? Are you going to let her come with us?" asked the gentleman who was standing beside the lady.

Noor and alok looked at each other before saying something as noor took the chance and said, "I will come with you."

"You are not going anywhere." a heavy reply came from alok. He gave a look to noor which was enough to tell her to stay back but noor walked forward and followed the couple as the couple smirked at each other and started to walk towards the car which came out of the forest in just a few seconds.

"Noor..." alok whispered, not understanding why noor was doing this. He was ready to fight for her and here she was submitting herself to their abductors.

Noor took out the gun from her pants without anyone noticing her moves, she fired two bullets at the people who were walking in front of her.

"Alok.." noor yelled, she turned back and ran towards the alok who was standing at the same place. He took the note from her doings and ran towards the driver's seat while settling into it, he opened the door for noor as noor sat into the car, closing the door alok took a hint and he made a U-turn to run away from the scene.

"Come on... fast... we have to get out of here..." noor yelled, alok nodded his head to her and started to drive the car at full speed.

She looked back at the couple who were still clutching to their bleeding wounds, she fired her bullets at the weak points of the body, and she smirked knowing they are going to die soon.

For sure, their plan of abducting her was perfect, using the forest was a good idea too but one thing they missed was keeping people far away from them.

Noor was smirking to herself knowing she has succeeded in what she thought, as a bullet was fired from the right side of the car hitting her right-hand shoulder, she grabbed her shoulder hissing in the pain. Alok looked at her but did not stop his car knowing there might be a chance that people who were present in the forest can continue firing at them and he has to continue driving till they reach the safe place.

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