A small favour

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Alok ordered a cup of coffee for himself and started to look around when his eyes landed on noor who was sitting on the chair near the window looking outside, lost in thoughts. When he saw her going out of the waiting area, he thought she was going home but here she was sitting alone.

"Make it two and please add milk into another one with two teaspoons of sugar." alok ordered, after spending a few days with noor, he understood one thing about her that she loves having sugary things.

"Yes sir. Would you like to have anything else? A cookie or pastry?" the man asked him.

"Umm.. add two cookies as well." said alok without having another thought.

"Okay sir, please have a seat. I will have someone to deliver your order to your table." said the man, alok nodded at him and started to walk towards the table where noor was.

He had his eyes locked on her but she was not looking at him, she kept staring outside, he even followed her gaze but found nothing.

Alok gained Noor's attention when he reached her table and pulled a chair for himself, noor followed his movements till he sat down in front of her comfortably.  A young boy reached their table he kept the two cups in front of them followed by a plate of cookies. He bowed his head to them and left them alone for their business.

"How are you feeling?" asked alok.

"Feeling shaky a little. Still can't get rid of the image of when Sarah was having her panic attack." said noor, alok could not believe it when he saw a glimpse of sadness in her eyes.

"I know. It happens but with time you get settles into it."

"I know... I know... How it feels." said noor.

"Thanks for today's help." said alok.

"You do not have to mention it." said noor, she wanted to drop the topic of Sarah but she knew they both had no other topic to speak rather than Sarah's panic attacks.

"From when she has been having this kind of panic attacks and why you never told me about your younger sister." asked noor. When she saw Sarah in the bed gasping for her breath, for some time she felt she is there by herself rather than Sarah and she is trying to gain breath while trying to come out of the nightmare.

"Well, it started when she witnessed ninad's sister getting tortured by the beast." said alok.

"It is not possible. He always kept himself in the shadows then how come he can torture her in front of Sarah." said noor, her words laced with doubt.

"Well, Sarah was a little girl by then she was playing with Martha when she ran away a little far and witnessed the scene. She screamed and ran towards us to get help for her sister but it happened so fast and before we could understand she was gone. Our little star was gone." said alok.

Noor kept looking at him as she looked a tear fell from his eye but he wiped it so fast that she would think that she was hallucinating.

"After that day, we did everything to find her but no luck. We felt like she has been run away by the stormy weather. We could not even find a hint about her." said alok, now he started to look outside the window.

"The nightmares of the incidents followed Sarah to her sleep. She started to have a hard time with dealing her daily life. We took her to various doctors and asked her to go for therapy but it was no help. Every doctor had the same word when she would give up on the guilt then only she will be able to come out of it.

We wanted to introduce her to the mafia world when she turned 16 but then her health was not that good to say and we were not able to understand if she is ready to hold the position or not. So, we stayed mum and kept her away from the mafia world.

She lives in Delhi with my cousins, she recently came here for our marriage but then she started to have nightmares again and again. So, we asked her to skip the marriage. I wanted to introduce you both over a cup of tea but when you opened up to her past, I had no courage to allow you both to face each other when you both were going through the same at different levels." said alok.

Noor smiled a little alok, as she found someone who was thinking about her and her life.

A silence passed between both of them as alok had one thought in his mind, the same thought was creating one question to ask as he did not hold himself back more and said,

"With today's action, I am sure grandfather will turn to your side and it will help you to gain the family's property."

Noor's eyes widened at the words as she looked at alok who was calm after saying his words. She could not hold herself back as she answered him.

"I know, I am selfish and work with my sense of mind to gain what I want but I am not that selfish to ignore an innocent's pleas for help. I have no enmity with the people who are victims by themselves."

Alok was shocked to say something in return for Noor's words as he smiled at the thought that the girl who tries to hide her emotions from everyone is giving a justification for her actions to him.

They both made eye contact, looking at each other as they both found themselves stuck in the same situation with different points of view. They both were hurt and had a wound which was yet to heal and somehow they were trying to have some relief by using hurtful words towards each other.

The cups of coffee were left in the same spot as they dropped their temperature to the cold while hugging the past memory lane.

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