Vijayawada and Beast (Part 11)

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Alok was astounded after knowing everything about Noor's life, he could not stop himself from thinking about it again and again. The words were simple which noor used to tell her story but then thinking about it was making it more difficult for him.

Somewhere he felt noor has told him only half of the truth and there is more to left but he did not want to force her anymore. He knew how she was trying to handle herself while sharing her past with him, he saw how her hands were trembling and her toes were clenching whenever she would mention beast in her sentence.

He knew she was going to have another episode of nightmares as she had before when she mentioned her story with ninad, saisha and him to prove Aakash Varma is the real beast. He counted the years by himself to understand how much time noor has spent with Aakash Varma as his captive and he could not believe the information which he figured out by himself.

Alok looked at the calculated numbers which were written on the paper as he took the paper in his right hand and stood up from his seat, as he started to whisper words to himself to calculate the exact number.

"Noor is 25 years old by today's date, and Mr Raichand introduced her to the mafia world 4 years ago which means she was 21 years old by then. Saisha and noor share the same age and when saisha was bought from her family, she was around 15-16 years old, she ran away from the Beast after 2-3 years.

The beast was following a girl who was 5 years younger than him which means noor has to be around 15-16 years old when her father made a deal with the beast in return for money or maybe she can be a little younger than 15 years old girl."

Alok's eyes widened at the realisation, he wanted someone to tell him that whatever he has found is a piece of false news but there was no one to tell him, to give him the support he needed but then again the truth was clear like crystal and it was written in front of him in the way of numbers.

"Noor has spent 6 years of her life with beast?!" alok whispered to himself, he felt like someone has drowned him in the cold water and at the same time he can breathe but the reality was not letting him breathe.

He has seen saisha going crazy with her nightmares and past trauma, he has no idea how much noor has gone through alone. He even has seen his sister's deteriorating health after watching a small incident of the Beast towards Ninad's sister that she is not capable enough to plan her daily routines by herself then again it was noor.

He turned himself towards noor who was sleeping for a while. When he noticed Noor's body wanted to rest after going through some flashes of her past while telling him everything, he asked her to sleep in the afternoon.

He needed to have a strong drink to swallow the truth that noor already had swallowed by herself. He could not even understand how she was living dual life in the presence of the person who was the reason why her life was destroyed in the first place.

A knock appeared on the wooden door frame followed by a voice "Sir.."

"Yes." said alok, in a heavy tone to maintain his image of being mafia head.

"This has arrived for you." a petite female figure said, she entered the room bowing her head as she kept the box and a letter-type invitation on the table and left the room hurriedly.

Alok looked at her returned figure, he kept the paper on the table and took a letter-type invitation in his hands, opening the envelope and reading the content which was printed on the white and golden paper.

Noor opened her eyes from her nap and started to look around herself while yawning when she noticed alok was present in the room but he was on the other side which was divided by the glass. She sat down by touching her back to the headboard of the bed when she noticed a similar box which was present in front of alok.

With a glance, she knew what it was. She threw the duvet away from her body and ran towards alok to get access to the box. She took the box in her hands first as soon as she reached close to the table and alok, she sighed knowing she has the box in her hands while alok was witnessing her behaviour.

"Aakash Varma (beast) has sent it to you, right?" said alok. Noor turned herself towards him, for a second she was confused with the situation as she was not able to decide what she should say to him about the box.

Alok sighed knowing she is in dilemma, he kept his right hand on her left shoulder and said, "I know, he sends you this type of box after some specific time."

Noor looked at him shocked, "Wasn't it supposed to stay hidden?"

"You don't have to worry about it, you just told me everything an hour ago." said alok as a relief washed over them.

"Yeah right. I was scared of it for some time." said noor.

"You never have to hide things about anything from me." said alok, assuring her as she nodded her head in a positive way.

"What does he send you every time?" asked alok as noor shrugged her shoulders and opened the box with no effort. For years, she used to burn the box without opening it but today she felt free to open it in front of someone.

A velvety cloth appeared in the box when the box was opened, it was a shock for alok who was looking at the cloth for the first time because he had no idea about it as noor took the clothing in her hands as the cloth got released from the thread, a scarf appeared in front of them.

"He knew I was asking my father for this type of scarf for a few weeks because I saw it in the village's market and I wanted to have it.

But my father had no interest in giving me this scarf so he gifted me when he took me as his captive on the first day." said noor, completing the sentence.

"Leave it. I just hate this scarf now." said noor, she threw the box on the ground and stared at the letter-type invitation which was held by alok.

"What is it?" asked noor.

"It is an invitation for your brother's mafia leader ceremony." said alok.

"like I am going to let him have this moment. I will snatch it from him even before he steps down the stage." said noor as she went out of the room in anger leaving him alone.

Alok knew what kind of hatred noor was having towards her brother, her brother was the reason why every bad thing happened to her. If he wished he could have changed his father's perspective towards the situation.  It was noor who had no idea about the existence of her brother but he knew everything about her as he was mature by then.

Alok was ready to follow noor to understand what she was planning to do as the ceremony was after one day. He did not want her to get hurt in the process of getting revenge on people. He wanted to run after her but also he wanted to give her some time to calm down as he sat down on the chair defeated. When his eyes got a view of a shining card which was tugged in the border of the box.

He was confused with the card, he took out the card from the box and turned the side of it towards his eyes as a small message was written on the card.

"A bad try! Told him everything?"

Alok was said to be shocked, by the way, noor threw the box on the ground before running out of the room and the way she took out the scarf was enough to make him understand that beast was sending this type of card letters to her from the start but she never focused on it because this box would have been enough for her to trigger her past memories.

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