the bloody throne (Part 1)

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Alok was dressed up in his business suit as he was waiting for his wife who was taking her time to get ready for her brother's mafia leader ceremony. He knew his wife has planned something to destroy her brother's important day but he had no idea what she has planned. He thought many times to ask her about it but left the thoughts aside thinking it would be fun to watch with his bare eyes.

He never hated her brother, he was quite good with his business tactics and proposals. He would attend every mafia meeting and would accompany his father in every event to show how the best leader he can be in the coming future.

Her brother was good in everything then, how come noor was going to destroy him so he would leave the throne? He asked ninad about it and ninad informed him that her brother used to be a playboy when he was in his college. He dated many girls and cheated on them with other girls but it was not a big deal in the mafia world, many to-be mafia leaders would do the same.

A golden saree-draped feminine figure walked out of the changing room while taking notes of her husband's posture, she could see he was thinking about something when the main thought hit her she laughed at him gaining attention from him.

"Are you ready?" asked noor, trying to control her laughs.

"Yeah, I am and why are you laughing at me?" asked alok, who was frustrated with her behaviour towards him.

"Sorry, but what are you thinking about? My brother's mafia leader ceremony?" asked noor, she shrugged and walked towards her makeup table, she picked up her earrings from the china bowl and started to wear them while keeping her eyes on her husband.

"I am not going to do anything. Mr Das's youngest son would do everything to kick my brother from the throne." said noor.

Alok's raised his eyebrow at the words not understanding what kind of relation Mr Das's youngest son shares with her brother because these two people stay at the world's two different points.

"Well, I don't want to be late for the event or else I would miss the beginning of the show." said noor.

She was looking happy as she started to walk past alok but he pulled her towards him suddenly as her hands landed on his chest, before she could look at him, he pulled her head towards his and kissed her passionately. It was so untrue for a moment but noor pushed her thoughts aside and kissed him back knowing they both needed something to be on their toes.

At the event:

The event hall was chaotic to say, many people were exchanging words and were busy making deals with other mafia leaders, It was a golden chance for all India's mafia leaders to get into other state's businesses and that's why the mafia leader ceremonies were important because it would allow them to have a new leader who will look after every deal which would be exchanged between his crown ceremony and would offer lifetime profits to other mafia leaders.

Soon Vishal Raichand walked onto the stage as silence was spread throughout the hall, everyone's eyes were focused on him, looking forward to his crowning speech where he would make a few promises to his people and would offer a few business proposals from his own companies, everyone knew how hardworking Vishal Raichand was and how much he put his efforts into family businesses to reach higher levels in the market.

Vishal Raichand looked around and tried to spot his sister out of the crowd, he was late because of the traffic and that's why he could not get his chance to have a word with her before the ceremony. When he spotted his sister, he smiled at her knowing she was also the reason why he was getting the throne today.

Vishal Raichand took a deep breath and focused his eyes on the paper where a few lines of words were written for him. He made last eye contact with everyone and started to read the words from the paper.

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