Vijayawada and mothers? (Part 6)

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"but the one who was present in your family photograph with your brother and father was the different one." asked alok.

It was confusing for alok; he was looking at his wife, who was lost in her own world while caressing the photo of her mother and twin sister but then she was also talking about another woman referring to her as her mother in Raichand mansion when they were visiting her house for the first time and to surprise she was talking about her very respectfully as well.

"She was my stepmother." whispered noor. She raised her head from the photo frame as she smiled, remembering the time when she was happy with her stepmother.

Noor thought for a second and then she looked at her husband who was already staring at her with a questioning look, she smiled at him knowing there was also a time when she was confused and wanted answers for herself.

"My father married at the early age of his life when he was around 22 or 23 to my stepmother who gave birth to my three elder brothers and then my father fell for my mother when he was around 31 years old when he visited this village for some work which was appointed by your father or grandfather maybe.

I don't remember that nicely but then again my father had an extramarital affair with my mother who had no idea that my father was married to someone. At that time, my mother was a teenager and she was just experiencing her life's, first love. It was my father who took her love for granted and decided to play with her emotions and feelings."

Noor sighed and then continued her story,

"Their affair stayed alive for three years before she gave birth to me and my sister, my father was scared because he knew he had committed a mistake, he wanted to kill my mother when she announced the pregnancy news to him but then he could not because villagers found out about it and supported my mother.

It was shocking to him as he thought villagers would abandon her and then he would kill her eventually because he was just attracted to her but villagers understood that my father had manipulated my mother.

My father wanted to leave us here and never wanted to come back because he thought it would be a waste to spend money on girls who had no future in the mafia world but he could not. For some stupid reason, he stayed back and took care of us.

He was living a hell life, giving training to future mafia leaders, taking care of my brothers and his first wife and then again he had to visit this place 2-3 times a month to take care of us but he did all of it.

My mother thought he was doing it because of the love he was having towards his daughters but as I said my mother was a teenager and had no experience of life, she could not figure out the plan he was planning behind her.

He never loved her, he lusted her. When he visited this village for the first time, he met my mother who was in college, with the people of this village he got to know about my mother being the richest one in the village, my amma means my grandmother owns acres of land and my father wanted that so he trapped my mother in the love and asked her to sign the papers after they made love to each other for years and she got pregnant but she did not and transferred her land to her daughters.

She mentioned if one of us dies for some reason then the whole property will get transferred to another one. It was a hidden clause which was made at the request of my grandmother who knew my father had planned to kill all of us. My grandmother was clever, she had another clause that mentioned if one of us dies in strange conditions then my father would be the first one to be suspect."

"That means your father always wanted to be a rich person somehow." alok said and chuckled.

"Yes, he never married someone for love or got into a relationship because of love. He married my stepmother for money as well. It was money which was helping my father to love us and he hit the lucky spot when your father offered him the chance of being a mafia leader. It was the happiest day of his life but then again my father was a cheater and he cheated on your father as well."

Noor stopped for a minute and then said, "you know the rest of the story of beast and father right?"

Alok thought for a second and then said with a pang of guilt because he knew he was forcing his wife to tell him about her past when she clearly had no interest, "I want to know it again and this time I do not want you to hide anything from me."

Noor looked away not understanding why she was telling him everything, she was not a girl who would tell her past life to anyone but then here she was sharing her past life with her husband whom she just met a few weeks ago.

"I know, the beast raped you as well as he did with others and also I know that your father thinks that you are parna and not noor." alok whispered.

It was the last truth of her life that she never wanted anyone to ever find out, but then again, faith had played with her.

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