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The chaos had swallowed the Acharya mansion, asking everyone to call for help, the maids were busy running from one place to another, asking each other to figure out things, trying to contact the people, connecting with the doctors over phone calls or messages but no availability was helping them, not understanding what to do, they were facing the situation that they never had to face under the roof of their masters, they felt useless as they always followed what their masters told them to do, they were ready to take the blame on themselves but they needed a solution for the situation right now.

"What is happening here?" a voice took over the chaos as soon as a woman entered the mansion through the gates. She was confused by the scene which was happening in front of her. The ongoing acts were enough to make her understand that something terrible has happened and that having 20 maids together can not also find the solution to it.

"Madam." an old-aged maid bowed in front of her, not trying to face her in any possible way.

"Can you please tell me what's happening here?" noor asked her in order to understand the roots of the chaos.

"Madam Sarah is behaving weirdly. She was sleeping when we checked on her after dinner but we don't know what happened she started to have some issues with breathing." said the other maid.

"Who is sarah?" asked noor.

"Sir Alok's younger sister." said the old-aged maid confusing noor more than she already was.

"I want to know everything but first take me to her." said noor. Noor looked at every other maid as the old-aged maid started to walk towards the stair as noor started to follow her. It's been only 5 days after her marriage with alok and here she was discovering the hidden truth.

She did her research on him then how come she forgot about something like this, missing out on one whole person was something she never wanted. If alok can hide one person from her eyesight then for sure he can keep many secrets from her with time.

"Here madam." said the old-aged maid as she stopped in front of the door, bowing down her head to noor. 

Without having any other thoughts, noor opened the door as her eyes landed on the figure who was trying her best to breathe, to push more oxygen into her lungs in order to stay alive.  Noor ran towards a girl, pushing bedsheets and extra cushions away from her body, she hugged the girl pulling her body away from the bed.

"Martha." yelled noor. When Martha appeared in front of her she pointed her right hand towards the wheelchair, Martha took the note from noor's action as she took out the wheelchair from the corner.

"Come here." noor said.

Martha followed noor's command and came forward with the wheelchair, she placed the wheelchair near the bed, leaned down a little and helped noor to pull the girl out of the bed.

"How can we get her down the staircase?" asked noor, she could think about getting her out of the bed but then she had no idea how she was going to take Sarah down the stairs.

"Mam, we have an elevator on the right side of this floor." said Martha.

"We have an elevator here?" asked noor, she was shocked to say but then again she never had time to take a tour of the mansion.

"yes madam." said Martha.

"Let's take her outside the mansion first, then we have to take her to the hospital as well." said noor.

Martha looked at noor in surprise, not understanding what to say as her masters had ordered her to never let sarah outside the mansion without their permission and here noor was taking her outside but with the condition that sarah was in, martha had no option but to disobey her masters in order to save the young heiress of the mafia lords.

Noor drove the wheelchair out of the room, following Martha's steps, they reached the end of the floor, pushing the button of the ground floor, and they both dragged the wheelchair into the elevator as soon as the elevator hit the ground floor, noor wasted no time taking Sarah to her car as again Martha and other maids came to help. They all put her inside the car as martha sat beside Sarah, trying to help her to catch her breath.


Martha and noor were sitting outside the room waiting for other family members to arrive, when noor and martha left the mansion with sarah, other maids kept trying to call their masters to inform the incident which has happened behind their backs.

When ninad got the hint of the incident from the maids of the mansion, he informed every other person about it as they left their important meeting in the middle to take a look at their little baby.

At first, alok thought his grandfather and father would get angry at noor as she took Sarah to the hospital without informing them but then his grandfather and father stayed quiet and agreed to her decision.

It was a shock to everyone, how calmly grandfather handled the situation without causing any issues and thanked noor in the return for her favour towards the acharya family.

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