꒰ ͜͡➸ how long it took them to ask you out / first date

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you knocked on mountain's door, fiddling with your fingers as you waited. after a moment, you heard the lock click and the door was opening.

is it too late to run now?

mountain looked around his door, smiling when he saw you.


"hey, kara. what's up?" mountain asked. "i'm ready." you swallowed. mountain paused, hoping he wasn't jumping to conclusions when he thought you meant you were ready for a relationship. you noticed his hesitation, reaching out and grabbing his hands.

"i want you to go on a date with me. i want you to go on more than one date with me. i want to be yours." you whispered.

mountain's jaw dropped.

- he obviously said yes.
- you both happily agreed to a small picnic date at the tree that you two met at.
- it was magical.
- mountain had taken all of the earth ghouls to the clearing and made it absolutely ethereal.
- there were all different kinds and colors of fairy lights. there were types of flowers you had never heard of before. and the tree. oh satan, the tree.
- mountain had hung soft yellow fairly lights in the branches, and he had managed to convince dew to collect a few fire ghouls to make hanging vines that softly twinkled like a star would.
- this took a lot of the fire ghoul's energy, so mountain had to promise at least 5 rounds of drinks for the 7 of them.


- immediately.
- as soon as he knew you liked him back, he was practically begging you to go out with him.

"aeth'-" you started, only to get cut off. "please, y/n.. i can't bare to be alone anymore. i need to know that i'm yours.." aether whispered, taking your hands i'm his. your eyes were wide as you stared at your pleading.. friend? crush?

"y/n, focus.." aether said lowly as he watched your eyes start to become clouded with thoughts. you swallowed, nodding as you brought yourself back to the moment.

"just one date is all i ask. you can push me out of your life after if you want to." aether promised. you frowned.

"oh, aether, i would never do that to you.." you whispered, taking your hands from aether's and moving them to his face, slipping them under his mask and pressing your forehead to his.

aether let out a breath, sinking into your hold as you both closed your eyes.

"we can go on as many dates as you want, aeth.." you mumbled. aether's eyes shot open. "really?" aether asked. you opened your eyes, smiling as you made eye contact and nodded. aether grinned, hugging you tightly.

- aether, a few days later, ended up taking you to a local diner in the town that the ministry looked down on. it was small quaint, but it was perfect.
- as you and aether walked back to the ministry, he was trying to think of ways to subtly make more moves on you but ended up psyching himself out.
- you noticed and looped your arm around his, resting your head on his shoulder.
- aether continues to ride on that high and won't shut up about it when he talks to dew.


- he knew you always knew when and how to get what you want, so he was terrified to ask you out on an actual date.
- what if you didn't want to go out yet? then he'd make a fool of himself.
- still, swiss managed to pluck up the courage to ask you.

you sighed to yourself as you read a book copia had gifted you. copia said it was just a 'thank you' gift since thanksgiving was coming up, but in your opinion, he had nothing to thank you for.

if anything, him gifting you the book made you feel bad for not getting him something. he had done a hell of a lot more for you than you had done for him.

still, copia insisted you kept it. you did so, cherishing it dearly the more and more you read. the was a gothic romance, not a typical genre you read, but damn was it good.

you could go on and on about how much you loved it already. you were only 5 chapters in and it was absolutely amazing. it was about a couple who-


you jumped, looking up to see swiss.

"satan, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to scare you." swiss apologized, walking over to you and sitting on the window seat in front of you. "it's okay," you shook your head, smiling as you bookmarked what page you were on and closed your book. "what's up?" you asked, setting the book down and opening your arms. swiss smiled, scooting closer and laying down on you, burying his face into the crook of your neck.

"i have a question.. which you can totally say no to. i'll understand." swiss said. you rose a brow, confused by his change in attitude from when you saw him this morning.

"what is it?" you hummed, slipping your fingers under the back of his helmet and running them through his hair. swiss smiled contently at the feeling, sighing deeply.

"would you like to go on a date with me?" swiss whispered. you paused, looking down at his face. his eyes were closed, but you could tell he braced for an unwanted answer.

"yeah, for sure. what were thinking about doing?" you smiled softly, swiss visibly relaxed, leaning into you even further.

"there's a new movie that came out on netflix and it looks pretty good. i was thinking about just a small inside picnic in my room while we watch it." swiss offered, tilting his head up. you looked down, smiling wider as you made eye contact with the multi-ghoul.

"that sounds wonderful.." you hummed, kissing the forehead of swiss' mask. swiss grinned, closing his eyes again as he settled into your arms.


- he waited a week to give you time to process.
- then he was all over you, asking you to go on a date with him.
- you said yes every time, but dew seemed to ask over and over so he made sure he wasn't dreaming the time before.

"angel, will you go on a date with me?" dew asked. you chuckled, turning to face dew as you slipped a book into it's place on the library shelf. "i've said yes at least 15 times, dew. when are you planning to do something?" you asked. dew grinned, happy you said yes again.

"tonight." dew stated. "you have practice tonight." you reminded the fire ghoul. "i'll cancel." dew offered. you gave him a blank look. dew stared back at you but groaned, huffing in frustration as he tried to think of another time you both were free.

dew was ready to skip out on practice in a heartbeat if it meant spending time with you. he'd miss every practice if it meant you'd always have time for him. but alas, that just couldn't happen.

"how about," you started as you put away the last book, breaking dew from his thoughts. the fire ghoul perked up, listening intently. "we go back to my room now and just hang out." you smiled, taking dew's hand. dew smiled happily and nodded. you grinned, happily dragging dew to your room.

well, not dragging, dew was eagerly keeping pace with you, only stumbling a few times.


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