Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

As if Rocco can sense my struggle he sits beside me. The close proximity eases my worries but the battle is still ongoing.

Adaline, take a leap of faith.

Releasing a shakey breath I nod my head. Agreeing to at least try and be honest with him.

"I... I'll try." I sigh before starting.

"I might as well start from the beginning. My mother died when I was four she was, from what I can remember the kindest soul. She loved us with all her being. I can't figure out how she married someone like my father. He was a horrible man, he never wanted a girl. Daniel and I are ten years apart. My father hated that I was born. He had his heir, there was no room for me." I'm completely void of any emotion speaking about him. I almost shut all the vulnerable parts of me away.

Rocco sense this, taking my hands into his. Smiling at me softly. Urging me to continue.

"He never paid me any attention when my mother was alive and that was fine. When my mother died though, John starting drinking excessively. He was a mean drunk Rocco, he would get violent. There was many nights when he ould best me senseless. Daniel tired to stop him but he was just a child himself." I force out, the grip on my hand tightens. Looking over at Rocco his eyes are blazing with fury.

My breathing becoming erratic and the memories. I don't think I can do this. Rocco isn't going to understand. How could he?

You can do this Addie.

C'mon. Take a deep breath.

"I thought the beatings would be the worst of it. I broke so many bones, always a private doctor coming to tend to me. John never wanted the outside world to know who he truly was. I was wrong though, when I turned seven John would always say I look so much like my mother. He hated it, he used to say there is only one good thing to come out of me being alive and looking like her." I sob, tears threatening to unleash.

Flashbacks appearing before my very eyes. The smell of his breath, the touch of his rough hands all over my body. Its like he is in the room with us.

"Addie, baby you don't need to say anymore. We can stop, he will never hurt you again." Rocco promises, pulling me into his chest. I can feel his racing heartbeat and the way his breathing has become erratic. Rocco is furious but trying to keep his temper under control.

We sat on the couch like that for god knows how long. I have missed the way it feels to be in his arms. I know it was only a few days but when you feel like you are falling and the one person who can keep you grounded isn't there.

Its soul destroying.

Rocco hasn't pressed the subject anymore. I have an inkling that he knows exactly what I was trying to say. The thing that has surprised me though, is that he hasn't looked at me any differently. His demeanour towards me hasn't change. I am so grateful for it.

It's a look that graces the ones closest to me every now and again. Even when I overdosed, Daniel was furious but it never reached his eyes. His eyes looked at me as if I was broken. Some sick dog that really should be put down. It's a look that rears it's head every so often. I could cry with happiness that it hasn't once touched Rocco's.

Maybe he see's me.

The opening of the door has me startled. Eyes darting to the door to find Daniel striding through the doorway. His reaction is one of surprise when he seeing Daniel and I on the couch together.

"Adds, I thought you would've made him work a bit harder than that. The guys a prick." Daniel grunts, tossing his briefcase on the seat beside us. Rocco tenses at the comment.

"Oh fuck off Dan." Rolling my eyes. Ignoring the fact I am sat in his house

"Get your feet off my coffee table and if you're gonna speak to me like that. You can fuck off." Daniel sneers, pushing my feet roughly off the table. The faint smile on his face telling me he doesn't really mean it.

I laugh in response. Reveling in the familiar sibling banter. We haven't been like this in a while. The stresses of life getting in the way. Daniel trying to be more of a father than my brother.

"You two have a strange relationship." Rocco mumbles, standing to his feet. "Are you coming back home or do you need more time?"

"Are you going to be staying there?" I ask, surprised at his question. I'm not quite sure you are aware of this buddy but it's you that fucked off. Not me.

"Only if its what you want, if not I can drop you off and head home." Rocco looks extremely uncomfortable. It is actually amusing to see, I am taking some delight in the situation.

"I'm getting sick of dealing with Bruno on my own. So yeah I guess you can come home." I muse.

Rocco's eyes rolling as he stands, pulling me up with him. We bid my family goodbye and head out the door. Maybe I can trust someone after all. Maybe I finally have someone who I can fully confined in.

The thought scares me just as much as it brings me some peace.


Hello Darlings!

They made up!

Addie is starting to open up to Rocco!

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