Chapter Fourteen

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Before we get to the entrance Rocco escorts me to a side door. Hmm strange and why is there so many people coming with us at the same time. I'm led downstairs into some sort of underground garage. The aray of cars is amazing. Just how much money do these guys have.

Rocco had somewhat explained to me how the next couple of hours is going to go. We are all going in separate cars in the hopes that if anyone is following us our new location isn't compromised. I think this might be a step too far but I won't be voicing these opinions. Even though Rocco and I have spoken its still tense and well he is Rocco. I'm learning quickly to just do what he says and ask the questions.... Well never if he had his way.

I'm riding with the guy called Shane, I don't even know Shane. I think its ridiculous that I can't ride with Rocco or at least Bruno! I know him a lot better than this Shane. I'm sure he is a lovely person but if this is going to be a high stake journey I'd much rather it be with someone I at least know.

"Why can't I go with you?" Biting the bullet I voice my opinion.

"Its safer this way spitfire. I promise Shane is the best. I wouldn't place you in the hands of someone I didn't trust." Rocco tries to sooth my apparent nerves. He places a chaste kiss to my lips and guides me into the car.

"I'll see you in a bit baby." Rocco closes the car door before walking over to his own car. There is at least 10 cars lined up some plan they have going on.

We are out of the gates and on onto the highway in no time. The silence is awkward but I doubt I'll get much conversation out of the man. I don't blame him really, Rocco can be a crazy person at times. Well most of the time actually.

Just as I think that this whole plan is ludicrous 3 mysterious black sedans start tailing our cars. One for each of us, wow they were right. I don't know why I even thought they could be wrong. It's made even more clear when they take the same exit as us maintaining a 2 car distance. Hoping to keep out of sight but I know they are there.

"Erm Shane?" I try get his attention "I think we might be getting followed."

"Shit!" Shane hisses swerving the car suddenly causing me to slam into the door. Ouch, that hurt! We are now on the outskirts of the city.

"Sorry Addie! I'm gonna try loose them okay? Just hold on."

I'll be holding on alright!

Rocco said this guy was good, he did not mention that Shane drives like he's in grand theft fucking auto! He takes a sharp right and hides down an alley. The adrenaline is coursing through my veins and I can hear my heart in my ears. I'm scared, this whole situation terrifies the crap out of me.

We wait in the alley for what feels like forever. My anxiety building with every second. I could start hyperventilating if we don't start up this bloody car soon.

"What is going on? What are you waiting for!?" I exclaim feeling the need to get out this car. Its starting to get way too hot back here and I really do think I'm gonna have a panic attack.

"I'm waiting for that." I follow Shane's finger and thats when I notice the Sedan from earlier crawling down the road, looking for us.

Shane looks in the rear view mirror seeing an opening at the other end of the alley. Before the car can figure out that we are here, Shane puts our car into reverse and backs out into the adjacent road. Swerving before speeding off.

Like I said. Grand theft auto.

After a tense 20 minutes we are stopped in what I can only explain as a sketchy neighbourhood. I gotta just trust the process. I know that our typical places are not safe right now but surely this kind of place isn't that safe either?

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