Chapter Ten

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The past 24hours have been a whirlwind of events and emotions. Most of them I can't quite figure out yet. My eyes aren't even open yet but the weighted presence is causing me some alarm.

Opening only one eye I look down to see Rocco's tattooed arm laying over my chest. Flashbacks of yesterday dance in my mind. The altercation in the foyer, the fucking in his office and then eventually us both going to bed.

I look over to the clock on the bedside table and find that it's 11am. I've not slept this late in what feels like forever. Rocco's blackout curtains containing what I hope will be a lovely day.

Groaning pulls me back to the present. A half asleep Rocco pulls me closer to him, nuzzling his head into my neck.

"Good morning spitfire." God why does his morning voice have to be so sexy!?

"Its almost the afternoon." I point out. Stretching my stiff limbs and sitting up. Pushing my messy curls out of my face looking down at Rocco.

"I haven't slept this late in years. Urgh I have so much shit to do." He groans, a scowl gracing his face.

Without another word Rocco is out of bed and heading through to his ensuite. It's only when I hear the shower I decide to snoop a little. The room I woke up in last night was significantly smaller than this one. Besides the drawers and his walk in wardrobe there isn't much personal effects anywhere really.

"Find what you were looking for?" The voice makes me jump.

"Nope just being nosey." I admit, having nothing to hide. My confession makes Rocco laugh. He doesn't say anything else as he brushes past me to get into his wardrobe. It's only then do I realise the man is in nothing back a towel.

Lord have mercy.

Its only a few minutes and im still standing around like some idiot before Rocco walks into the room dressed in grey joggers and a tight fitted top. It's strange to see him wearing anything but suits but I guess this is his home.

"Take your pick of my clothes. We will go back to your place and get your own later today. The house is yours to roam free in. I have a few calls to make and then we will get your stuff." And with that Rocco is out the door, shutting it hehind him.


Get my stuff? Does he think I'll be staying here? No chance! I have a life and a job. All of which is in the city. Okay, a group of men have been watching me but I am not going to be held captive. I'm not some damsel in distress that needs the Knight in shining armour to save me. The thought makes me scoff.

Typical man.

After an hour I'm freshly showered and changed into another set of his clothes. Which look ridiculous on me, the man's a giant. My annoyance hasn't simmered, if anything looking at the state of my neck it's only grown. Fingerprint size bruises litter my pale skin where Rocco had his hands.

Hands that were put there without my permission. The thought makes me shudder.

Shaking the overwhelming feeling I head out of the bedroom to explore this massive house. The endless corridors are all empty of people but are littered with paintings. All very beautiful ones. There is two massive double doors at the end of the third corridor which grab my attention. Without thinking twice I open them to reveal the biggest hone library I have even seen.


I could spend hours apon hours in this place.

"Oi ginge! What are you doing in here?" Well there goes my peace and quiet.

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