Chapter 75 - Rings and news

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Y/n's POV:

This last week since Scarlett and I's one year anniversary has been nice. I love that we have a routine together as a family. I'm making the most of it now because I know that will all change when filming for Infinity war picks up and my inevitable deployment comes around. It's the end of February and I'm expecting to get called into a meeting with Jimmy any day now.

But I'm trying not to think about it and just enjoy how great everything is going at the moment. Just like my new weekly tradition. Since we got back to LA, I have been spending one lunch a week with mum and dad. I take a long lunch and either head over to their house or we'd go somewhere nice to eat. It had become a tradition that I had really enjoyed.

It's not gotten out that they've adopted me, and we don't really plan to announce it or anything. I'm more than happy with that decision as I already hate the press that I get from dating Scarlett, I can only imagine how much worse it would get if they knew that I was now Robert Downey Junior's daughter! Though I do enjoy some of the speculative articles when they see that I spend a lot of time with them.

Today, we're just having lunch at their house. I plan to tell them today that I want to ask Scarlett to marry me. I know that they'll be supportive, but I'm a bit nervous about how they're going to react. I arrive at their house, and I'm instantly pulled into a big hug from mum. As usually, she straightens out my uniform and tells me how smart I look.

The pride I see in both her and dad's eyes always bring me a bit of emotion. The closest I've had to this is with Jimmy. He's always been a father figure to me and had my back. But seeing it from the two people that actively chose to adopt me is something I'm still trying to get used to.

"I've made us some chicken wraps today." Mum informs me, guiding me into the dining room. The places are already set, and the wraps are sat waiting for us in the middle of the table. "Come on Y/n, make yourself at home. This is as much as your home as it is ours now." She insists, seeing that I still have a hesitancy to just move around as I like.

Whilst we're eating, mum tells me about the latest project that she's working on for a charity, whilst dad fills us in on the filming schedule for Infinity War. I know they'll be in Atlanta for a couple of months, but it's not something that Scarlett and I have discussed yet. They've not even started filming yet, still very much in the early production stages, but I know it's something we're going to have to work out soon.

Once they've filled me in on their busy week, I let them know how work is whilst I grow the confidence to talk to them about Scarlett. It takes until we've finished eating and moved back into the lounge before I'm ready. "I actually have something to tell you two." I start which gets both of their attention. They have a worried look on their faces and I know I can't leave them hanging too long. "I uh. I'm planning to ask Scarlett to marry me." I tell them, looking between them to gauge a reaction. Both of their faces seem to mirror the other. It's just a look of surprise. I find myself internally panicking as I wait for them to say something.

It seems to take a long time before mum is suddenly on her feet and pulling me into her. "Finally! You two belong together and I don't know why one of you haven't popped the question already." She says excitedly. I feel my body relax knowing that she at least supports me. When our long hug comes to an end I turn to dad who is still sat on the sofa staring at me.

"My daughter's getting married!" He states quietly. "Well, Scarlett has to say yes first." I joke, trying to hide the whole other set of nerves that I have about her agreeing. "Oh, come off it, that woman adores you, a blind man could see it." He says, getting up and hugging me. "How do you plan to do it?" He asks as we take our seats again. "I'd like to do it in England. I was thinking on the beach if the weather isn't awful." I explain they both have wide smiles.

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