Chapter 41 - Packing

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A/n: It's been a minute! 

Y/n's POV:

Standing in the middle of my apartment, I'm just staring at everything that I need to either pack or sell. It's not the biggest place, but I am not looking forward to the process of getting this all sold or moved to Scarlett's. But all the effort will be worth it to finally be living with her.

I had started to look at selling the furniture that I don't need to take with me. Which is most of it because, you know, Scarlett's a rich celebrity with much nicer stuff than I have. Thankfully, the landlord has said he's happy to keep all the kitchen stuff so that's one less thing to have to worry about. But that still left everything else in the apartment.

I ended up putting most of it on Facebook marketplace and I've already got a few people coming to collect some things during the week. Unfortunately, one of those is my bed. So, I guess I'll be on a blow up for a few days.

I've tried to keep Ava's stuff until last. I don't want her too affected by the move and it means she still has all her toys and everything for the last week. Scarlett is home on Friday and she's insistent that we move on Saturday, so she doesn't have to wait any longer. So, I'll hold off as long as I can before Ava's things are boxed up.

I've taken the Thursday off work so I can get the majority done and thankfully, I'm getting a lot of help. Lizzie and Sophie have self-appointed themselves as watchers of Ava and providing sustenance. Tom, Chris and Matt are helping me to pack and Robert will be coming with me on the Friday to collect the van. I've got everything organised. I just need to do it all now.


It's now Thursday and I've just dropped Ava off at school. Lizzie and Sophie will be collecting her, which means I have most of the day to get as much done whilst she's not here.

I'm surprised at how early Tom turns up with Chris. I was still in my pjs eating my waffles when they knock at the door. Both of them are in muscle vests and shorts, ready for the days work ahead. I end up cooking them some waffles too as they are practically drooling over mine and they are doing me a massive favour today.

Once we have all eaten and I'm changed, I set up the Bluetooth speaker and get some good tunes to get us in the mood for the long day ahead. We then get started on putting the boxes together. I can't believe how long it took for us to get them ready before we can even get started on the actual packing. Who knew you needed a science degree to work out how to put a box together!

Just as we are about to take a pause, the front door opens, and we are greeted by Sophie and Matt. "How is nothing packed yet? It's already 12!" Sophie exclaims and the three of us glare at her. "This is harder than it looks!" Tom defends and Sophie just rolls her eyes at us. It's only a box, it can't be that hard to put together." She complains and I hand her one. "Go on then. Show us how it's done." I tell her and she smugly takes the box and starts to put it together. 10 minutes later she huffs and hands it to Matt. "Well, this is stupid! The instructions don't even make sense!" She moans.

When she's calmed down she sorts drinks and a snack for us, already doing her duties well. We sit down to come up with our plan of action. "So basically, I've got people coming throughout the day to get some of the furniture. The last bits will be collected on Saturday, which is mainly Ava's things." I start to explain, and they all are listening intently.

"I need to get the things in the living spaces done first, then we'll move onto the office and bedrooms. I've already gone through anything that I needed to chuck so what you see left, minus the furniture and kitchen stuff, is to be packed. Leave Ava's room as I want to try and leave that until tomorrow." I finish listing off and they nod in understanding.

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