Chapter 17 - Little Widow

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Scarlett's POV:

After our hike at Runyon Canyon, I feel so much better. I still have to work to fully earn Y/n's trust back, but it feels great to know that we are on our way to being ok again. The hike gave us the opportunity to talk more and further clear the air. It was difficult to hear her talk about how this all made her feel. Especially when I had no one to blame but myself. The worst was when she asked if I felt safe with her. It broke my heart knowing that I made her question her own self.

But as we start on the descent back down to the car, the tension between us is much lighter. We have kind of reset and are ready to get back to our best. Whilst we are walking back to the car, I can't help but be grateful that things had also sorted themselves out between Y/n and Sophie. I know it had affected Y/n a lot, but I didn't realise how much. It certainly didn't help when I decided to be a complete ass and do what I did. Hopefully things are looking better on all fronts.

As we get back to Y/n's car, I notice that Y/n has more colour in her face again and her bloodshot eyes have practically disappeared. When I arrived early this morning, her eyes looked lost, I'd never seen them like that before, not even when she was having a panic attack. But now, her blue eyes were shining again, and it makes me unbelievable happy.

On the drive back home, I am really excited as I knew it wasn't long until I'd get to see Ava. We make the decision to stop at the grocery store to get some supplies as Y/n thinks it will be nice if we spend the evening in together watching movies. I love that idea, just being with the two most important people in my life.

I can't help but laugh as we walk around the store as the cart is getting fuller by the minute. But of nothing healthy, it is purely snacks and ice cream. "What are we going to cook for dinner?" I ask but Y/n just scoffs at me. "We're not cooking. We'll order in, in fact maybe we could get Mama Gina's." She says excitedly, her eyes widening at the thought. "Yeah, that's what we'll do. One of her burgers will sort me right out." She decides and moves down to the drink's aisle.

Once we have paid, we head home and unpack all of the shopping. I can't believe how much crap we have bought, but I am excited to feel at home again. We both have another shower, but I frown slightly when we don't share one. I know we still need to work back up to that, but it would be nice to hold her and help wash her. It's that closeness that I miss.

"Ok, I reckon you should hide in the bedroom, and I'll tell Ava that I bought her a present. Then you can come out and be like tada!" She suggests, her voice full of excitement. She seems as happy as I am to be seeing her again. "Tada? Am I a magic trick or something?" I ask with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. "I don't know. You're the actress, you can work it out." She grins, walking up to me and placing her arms around my waist.

She reaches up and tucks a piece of hair that has fallen into my face. Her eyes then fall to catch my gaze and she smiles. "I love you." She states quietly and it makes my heart sore. It is the first time she has said it, since I've been back, and I couldn't be happier. "I love you to Bella." I reply and capture her lips in a sweet kiss.

As she pulls away, she raises an eyebrow at me. "Bella?" I giggle a little to myself. "You have two pet names for me, I feel like I need one for you. Bella fits you perfectly as you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met." I tell her honestly. I can't help but smile when her cheeks go a dark shade of red. We stay stood in each other's hold for a while, and I am glad that I am close to her again. But our moment is interrupted by a knock at the door.

My heart rate instantly increases with excitement, knowing that it is Ava at the door. "Quick go and hide!" Y/n orders me. I quickly run into her bedroom and close the door, waiting for Y/n to come and get me. I press my ear up to the door so I can hear what is going on. It is hard at first as the voices are muffled, but as they reach the living room, I can hear Ava telling Y/n all about her day with the Downeys.

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