Chapter 55 - Distant

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Scarlett's POV:

Y/n is hopefully getting the all clear today to leave the hospital. She's been in here for 4 days and already is looking so much better. Her colour is back in her face and she's coping better with the pain. With her broken rib, her movement causes some issues, but she's been out of bed for short walks around the corridor which has been good to see.

It's just Robert and I with Y/n this morning. Sophie is bringing Ava in later, but they wanted to go and buy all her favourite snacks ready for when she's home. After we eat breakfast together, there's a knock at the door and Doctor Maynard comes in. "Good morning! How are you feeling this morning Y/n?" He asks, his chirpy demeanour, making me ever hopefully she's coming home today.

"Good actually. Though, struggling a little with this contraption restricting almost all my movement on my left side. Also hoping you're here to tell me I can leave!" She jokes, knocking on the plastic of her shoulder brace. "Well, you'll be glad to hear that all your tests have come back and I'm happy to discharge you in the care of friends or family. However, there are some ground rules if this goes ahead." The doctor states.

Y/n nods as Robert and I listen intently. "Firstly, although you are probably feeling quite well in yourself, your body has gone through a significant trauma. You lost a critical amount of blood and were clinically dead for a period of time which will have an impact for a few weeks on your body." I can see Y/n cringe when she hears the words clinically dead, and it takes everything in me to not cry at the reminder.

"Your body is still recovering from that alone. Your heart is still weak, so I want you on strict bedrest for at least a week, ideally two. Only getting up for the bathroom. After that first week, I would still suggest bedrest, but it would be good for you to start taking some walks around to build up your stamina. You will notice your body get tired very easily so listen to it and don't push yourself." He goes on to explain and I can see Y/n taking it in. Though I know that she's not going to enjoy the next few weeks.

"What about the shoulder?" Y/n asks and the doctor hands over a booklet to her. "You'll be going through a physio programme, but I've detailed some small exercises you can do after a week. You'll need to take the brace off to carry these out. Most of them will require help from another person. Follow the instructions in the booklet and you'll be in a good place for when you start physio. But overall, the injury will heal over time. Within about 6 weeks you'll be out of the brace completely and start to build back up to where you were." As the doctor talks, I can see some relief wash over Y/n's face. This is a much easier recovery than what she went through last year.

"I know for someone as active as you, this is going to be a difficult few weeks. But it's important that you accept help. The last thing you want to do is be stubborn and make things worse." Both Robert and I let out a small chuckle and both the doctor and Y/n look at us. "She's the most stubborn person I've met Doc, but we'll make her comply." Robert laughs, causing Y/n to roll her eyes.

"Right, I'll get the nurse to drop in the supplies for cleaning and redressing the wounds, as well as the medication you'll need. I'll get started on the discharge forms and you'll hopefully be out of here by lunchtime." He says with a smile. Y/n holds her hand out to shake his hand and thanks him for all his help.

It's not long until Sophie and Ava join us, and Ava is so happy to here that Y/n is going home. She excitedly tells Y/n about all the food she's brought and asks if they can start watching Harry Potter together, which Y/n easily agrees to. We all start to pack up, ready to leave as soon as we're able to.

The nurse comes in and takes the canula out and starts to detach Y/n from the machines she was connected to. After that she turns towards us. "Who will Y/n be staying with? I'll need to show them how best to clean and redress the wound." She asks. There's an awkward silence that falls over the room. Y/n's gaze instantly drops to her hands, and I feel my chest tighten.

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