Chapter 72 - Night out with the Olsen's

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Scarlett's POV:

We're currently in that weird time period between Christmas and New Year where no one really knows what day it is. We've had a great few days here in New York so far. Having all the holiday traditions has been great and experiencing them together as a family has been perfect. Christmas day really was something else. Although it was a relatively normal Christmas day for me, doing what we have done for many years, having Y/n and Ava made it something incredibly special.

Y/n started work on Ava's room a couple of days ago. We all helped her to paint it, which was really good fun. Ava liked that it was something we did together. But she ended up getting bored before it was finished and wanted to go and play with her toys. Y/n being the perfect woman she is, told me to go and have fun with Ava whilst she finished up. But I know that part of that offer meant she could just crack on and get it done.

This morning Hunter came by and picked up Ava. They're having their day together to go to Spyscape. He's also taking her for lunch and going swimming in the afternoon. After that they're heading back to mom's where she's staying whilst Y/n and I are having dinner and a night out with Lizzie and the twins. Initially it was just dinner, but Lizzie managed to convince us both to go to a club afterwards. I'm actually really looking forward to it as it's been a while since I've had a night out. Being with Lizzie, I know that it's going to be a messy one!

It's because of that reason, I'm planning on seducing Y/n before we head out later. As much as I've loved having this time with my family, I really just want some quality one on one time with my girlfriend and we won't be able to do that if we're drunk when we get home tonight.

We've not long had lunch and Y/n was finishing up making Ava's bed. We went to the store yesterday and ordered the one that she wanted, and Y/n promised that it would be ready for her to sleep in when she's back tomorrow. So, I do what I always do when Y/n is working. I stand in the doorway and watch her. She currently has her shirt off, which has nothing to do with the fact I may have increased the temperature in the house, resulting in me getting the perfect view of her muscles contracting whilst she lifts one of the panels of the bed into place.

I don't know why I find this such a turn on, but I do and thankfully, it's a sight that I get to see quite often. "You know I can feel your eyes on me Johansson." Y/n chuckles as she focuses on screwing the nut in. "Can you blame me when you look this good?" I reply, walking over to her and placing my hands on her shoulders and squeezing them gently. She lets out a quiet moan but continues on her work.

I'm in a playful mood so I decide to try and distract her as best I can. I kneel behind her and wrap my arms around her stomach. She laughs as I attach myself to her, but still her carries on tightening up the screws she's just put in. I place small kisses between her shoulder blades, causes goosebumps to appear on her skin, making me smile at the effect I'm having on her. "Angel?" She questions and I hum, my lips not leaving her skin. "I'm not stopping you working." I tell her cheekily and she shakes her head.

Thankfully there's not much left for her to do, but I'm not going to make it easier for her. My kisses move from her shoulder to her neck and I quicky find her soft spot. She instinctively moves her head to the side, allowing me more access. I leave open mouth kisses along the top of her shoulder and back to her neck and gently suck. This causes her hands to drop and a moan to come out. It's like she's frozen in this moment.

I smirk to myself as I run my hands up and down her abs before focusing on two of my favourite things. Squeezing her boobs gently seems to bring her back to her task at hand whilst I still give her neck love and attention. "You're very distracting." She mumbles, reaching for a hammer. "You're very sexy and this is the first time we've had alone time in over a week!" I tell her between kisses.

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