Chapter 37 - Picnic and lies

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Y/n's POV:

Now everything had seemed to have calmed down and we had time to relax and talk, we decided to make the most of the day. I couldn't help but smile when Melanie said that her and Scarlett had planned for a picnic in Central Park. It may seem like such a small thing, but the fact Scarlett remembered what we talked about in Atlanta and how this is one of the good memories from my childhood, means a lot.

Although it's a little chilly out today, we make sure to wrap up warm so we can enjoy the afternoon. I help Melanie to prepare some of the food, whilst Ava insists on also helping. She takes her job of washing and packing up the fruit very seriously.

Once everything is ready, we pack up a couple of coolers and spilt up into two cars to head to the park. Hunter goes with his parents whilst we drive in Scarlett's car. On the journey there, Scarlett holds my hand, gently running her thumb over my knuckles. I know she is still worried about me, after what happened this morning, and she's making sure to comfort me.

I feel much better about everything now. I'm still a little nervous around Karsten, but he's making an effort and I hope that we can move past it and forget it ever happened. Scarlett navigates her way around the city easily and I'm kind of in awe at how easily she does it. I'd not be this calm if it was me!

She manages to find a parking space, not to far from the park and we pile out the car grabbing everything that we need. We spot the others walking towards us, Karsten is quick to jog over and take the cooler from my hand, giving me a tight lipped smile. I returned it easily and thanked him, allowing me to focus on Ava.

Ava instinctively reaches up and takes my hand and starts towards the park with the others having to catch us up. Although it's cold, the sun is shining brightly, lighting up the leaves on the trees and reflecting off of the water. As we venture further in, it amazes me how the sounds of the city soon start to fade.

Melanie guides us towards the water and finds a good spot overlooking the small lake. The trees providing protection from the cool October wind. I take the blankets, that Scarlett has tucked under her arm, and start to lay them out on the floor, creating us a comfy place to sit. Ava helps my putting her little boots on the corner of one of the blankets and then plonking her little but in the middle with a big grin.

Scarlett and I sit with her between us so we can help keep her warm. Melanie and Karsten start to get out the food and hand out paper plates to us all. I laugh when Hunter dives straight into the food.

There's a serenity as we eat. You can hear the birds in the trees and the quiet lapping of the water on the edge of the lake. I look around at the people I'm sat with. It may have been a little rocky, but I look forward to getting to know them all properly and have them as active parts in our lives.

As we eat, Melanie and Karsten are happily sharing embarrassing stories of Hunter and Scarlett, which Ava and I find hilarious. Her little giggle is everything, and I notice the smile grow wider on Melanie's face every time she hears it.

Watching the way that Melanie and Karsten interact is interesting. They broke up when Scarlett was a teenager, but they seem to get on well. It's not awkward like I've seen with friend's parents in the past who can barely be in the same room as the other.

Karsten is just finishing a story about how Hunter fell in one of the canals on a visit to Copenhagen and we're all laughing at his misfortune. "Do go back to visit often?" I ask Karsten and he nods. "I try to go at least once a year, more if I can. I still have family that I visit which is nice. I just wish these two would come every now and then." He replies, nodding his head in the direction of his kids, who both have apologetic smiles on their face.

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