Chapter 2 - Reunited

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Scarlett's POV:

A month, a whole month of being apart from my gorgeous girlfriend, and I'm finally waiting in the arrivals lounge of the airport to pick her up. Initially I told her I would wait in the car park to avoid any paparazzi, but I just couldn't wait. I wanted to be there as soon as she came through the doors. I didn't want to waste a second. I had put on a cap and sunglasses to help hide who I was and luckily no one noticed me.

This month had seemed to drag on for so long. Every day I just wanted to go home to her and fall into her arms and hear all about her and Ava's day. Instead, I end up going back to the empty house I had rented for the trip. Seeing Y/n was what kept me going through the long shooting days or night shoots. So, when we had to delay Y/n's visit I was rightly frustrated. But as annoying as it was, it made sense. I wanted to be able to give her as much attention as I could and I had less filming this week, which meant we could do things together.

Once I was in the airport, I found a spot at the rail so she would see me as soon as she comes through the door. I took my sunglasses off once I was waiting as I knew that would probably draw just as much attention as not wearing them. I was leant against the rail and my leg was shaking out of excitement. I had missed her so much. There is only so much facetime and texts can fill the void.

It seemed to take ages for her to come through. Her flight landed 45 minutes ago so surely, she should be coming through any minute now. About 15 minutes later, I caught a glimpse of the women that I love. I watched as she walked through. Her hair was loose and slightly curled. She was only in jeans and a white t-shirt, but she looks incredible.

I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I stepped out around the rail. My heart had started to thump against my chest waiting for her to notice me. It was when she looked up to check where she was going that our eyes met. She did a double take at first and then a smile grew on her own face when she realised it was me.

As soon as I knew she had clocked me, I pretty much ran towards her and leapt into her arms, not caring if anyone was looking. I was reunited with my girlfriend and that was the only thing on my mind right now. She caught me easily and my legs instinctively wrapped around her waist as my arms clung around her neck. My head buried into the crock of her neck, breathing in her intoxicating scent. I was home.

She wrapped her strong arms around me and let out a chuckle as our bodies met. "I can't believe you're finally here. I've missed you so much." I said, muffled into her neck. "I missed you too angel. God it's good to hold you again." She replied squeezing me tightly. I leant back in her hold and looked at her face and into her mesmerising eyes. Then my gaze dropped to her lips. Still holding me close with one arm, she uses the other to lift the peck of my cap slightly so she can connect our lips.

I instantly kissed back and pulled her closer by her neck. Our lips danced together, happy to be reunited. I swiped my tongue across her bottom lip, and she chuckled and pulled away. I looked at her almost offended with a pout on my face. She gave me a couple of pecks to kiss the pout away. "As much as I want that kiss to carry on, we are still stood in the middle of the arrivals lounge." She reminded me and I buried my head in her neck out of embarrassment.

I reluctantly let go of my vice grip that I had around her and she gently helped to guide me back to my feet. Her hands were still on my waist, and I reached my hand up to rub my thumb over her check bone. No words had to be said as we just held each other's gaze. I'm back with my love and I couldn't be happier. "Come on, let's get you home." I said, holding out my hand for her to take.

She took it easily and rolled her suitcase along side her. I guided us back towards my car, our hands swinging between us. I took her suitcase and put it in the trunk and then walked around to the passenger side to open the door for her as she always does for me. She smiled and gave me a kiss as she climbed into the car.

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