Chapter 28 - The calm before the storm

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Y/n's POV:

Sleep is hard to find tonight. It's Ava's birthday tomorrow and I can't stop thinking about how she is turning 7! I find myself remembering different memories through her life. When she was born, and how the moment I held her I knew my life had changed for the better and that I would do anything for her. Her first steps and words. Then when we moved to LA and how I just wanted to give her the best life.

Turns out that was a pretty amazing decision. We are both so happy now and we have all the people we call family around us. Yesterday we spent the evening with Sophie and had an early birthday celebration just the three of us like we have always done. As much as I love our new life, it was nice being just us again.

We went out for dinner and then spent the evening playing games, which Ava won, of course! We then drove over to Scarlett's pretty late as both her and Ava wanted to be together when Ava wakes up on her birthday. We're having a pool party at Scarlett's, so it makes sense.

I am trying desperately to sleep, knowing how busy the day is going to be, but my thoughts are taking over. For the first time ever, I can see a future clearly for Ava and me. A future where we are both living our best life, full of love and happiness. I know that I'm finally able to give Ava the one thing I have wanted too most. A second parent.

Whilst I'm lost in thought, I don't realise that Scarlett has woken up. It's not until she lifts herself up on to her arm and places her hand on my cheek that I'm drawn from my thoughts. "What's going on in that head of yours?" She asks in a raspy voice. I turn my head to look at her and smile. "Just Ava and how lucky I've been to have such an amazing daughter." I share easily.

Scarlett leans in and places a soft kiss on my lips. "She is something special. I can't imagine my life without her in it now. It's like she's always been there." She expresses. "Well, she's not going anywhere." I say to which her smile grows. Seeing that I'm not going to be sleeping any time soon, Scarlett gets comfortable with me, her arm draped over my stomach and her head on my chest. 

"What was it like the day she was born?" She asks and a smile instantly tugs at the corner of my mouth. "I remember be so scared when my contractions started. Sophie was working and I was on my own at home. It took me over 5 minutes to convince her it wasn't a joke and I was actually in labour." I chuckle and Scarlett looks up at me. "Really?" She questions and I nod. "When she eventually got there she was so apologetic. With the pain and hormones I think she heard swear words she'd never heard of before. We were both as clueless as the other but she was there the whole time with me." I reply, smiling at the memory.

"When it comes to the birth, it's weird, I don't remember a lot of the actual labour. I remember it hurting a lot and I didn't think I could do it. But the overwhelming memory I have is the moment she was in my arms. He beautiful blue eyes staring up at me. I knew in that moment she was my world, who I loved with my entire being, and I would do everything in my power to protect her and make sure she is happy." I share easily.

"You've done an amazing job at living to that. I've never seen a happier kid. She is surrounded by love and support. She's encouraged to be who she wants to be, no matter what. You have created an environment where she has thrived. I'm so happy that I get to see and be a part of that. I just wish I had known you earlier so we could have done this all together." Scarlett beams. 

I look into her eyes and all I see is love. Love for my daugther, love for me. I wish more than anything we had Ava together. But that's life and I'm just grateful that I have her with me now. "God I love you." I whisper, running my thumb over her cheek bone drinking in her gaze. Her eyes glisten as she looks at me and leans up to show me her love through a kiss. "I love you too Bella." 

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