Chapter 64 - Sing

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Scarlett's POV:

After the mayhem at Thanksgiving, we ended up having a quiet rest of the week and weekend. Ava went back to school on Monday, and I was back filming. Y/n's physio sessions have been going really well and she's getting a lot more movement in her shoulder. She has been better and trusting her body and stopping when she's in pain, which I thought she'd never do, being the stubborn shit, she is. Overall, she's doing great.

Because she's getting more movement back, she's been spoiling Ava and I each day. She's still not able to drive, so to make up for not being able to pick up Ava, she's made us dinner every evening. Each day we've come home to delicious smells drifting through the house.

It's moments like that, the complete normality of the situation, that I love. Picking Ava up from school and helping her with her homework. Having dinner together as a family and enjoying quiet evenings in. It's everything that I could have dreamed of and more.

Ava has joined the music group at school and has been trying to decide what instrument she wants to play. Initially she wanted to copy her mom and play the piano or guitar. But she was struggling a little with her small hands. Y/n made the suggestion of a Ukulele with the promise that when she gets bigger, she'll buy Ava her own guitar.

Ava loved the idea and is really excited to go and buy one. So here we are in the car on the way to a music shop to look at the different types. I had suggested buying one online, but the look I got from Y/n suggested I was wrong. She said it would be best if Ava had the opportunity to see them and hear the different sounds, they make so she could pick the right one for her. When she said it like that, it makes complete sense. But I also know that Y/n loves visiting the music shop regardless.

We had picked Ava up from school and were heading straight to the shop. Apparently, this is the one Y/n goes to the most and where she bought her keyboard from. Luckily, I'm able to get a parking spot right outside and before I know it, Ava has unbuckled herself and is grabbing both of our hands to drag us inside.

I love seeing Ava when she's passionate about something. She really throws everything into it. It's like her obsession with dinosaurs, she has learnt so much about the different species and the time periods they have lived in. I can see her learning everything there is about the ukulele and being a pro at it in no time.

We open the door, and the bell goes to notify them that a customer has entered the store. I look around and I'm in awe of the place. It's a real old school music store. There are instruments everywhere and endless amounts of music books at the back of the store.

"Y/n, great to see you again. Are you after some more piano music? We've just got some new books in I think you'd like." The store assistant greats us. I look to Y/n and I don't know why I'm surprised that she knows the guy. "Hi Nate. I'm actually here to get a ukulele for my daughter. But I will definitely check out the new books when we're done." She responds. "This is my daughter Ava and my girlfriend Scarlett." She introduces us.

Nate holds his hand out which I easily take to greet him. He seems like a really nice guy. "Hi little lady. So, you're here for your first uke. Do you have any idea what you might like?" He asks Ava, bending down so he's at her height. Ava shakes her head shyly, wrapping he arm around my leg for comfort. I run my hand through her hair, taking in the moment that she sees me as a safe space.

"That's ok. I can show you what we've got, and you can decide which one you'd like. Does that sound ok?" Nate asks and Ava nods, following him to the ukulele section of the store. "Wow." Ava gasps as she looks around at all the instruments hanging on the wall. "Right, here we are. Y/n any preference on type?" Nate asks and Y/n thinks for a moment. "Not really, it's for Ava to decide what sound she likes. But I think size wise, the Soprano or Concert is probably the best for her." Y/n responds.

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