Chapter 21 - Home again

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Scarlett's POV:

Today I am planning on surprising my amazing girlfriend. She doesn't think that I'm due home until Sunday, but I managed to get all the last bits of work completed early and I'm now flying home two days early. I am so excited to get back and be with Y/n and Ava, as well as being back in my home and back to some normality.

It's currently 5am and George is helping me pack up the last of my bags into the car, before taking me to the airport. I want to get the earliest flight possible so I could get the most of the day in LA. With the time difference, I should hopefully be in in LA by 10am. Which will give me some time to drop my things off at my house before heading over to surprise Y/n.

I had called Jimmy last night and explained that I was getting home early, and I asked if there was any chance that Y/n could have the Friday off so we could spend time together before Ava finishes school. He happily agreed and explained that she was working from home so as soon I get there, I'm allowed to tell her to clock off.

Initially I had planned to fly in later in the afternoon so I could surprise Y/n and Ava at the same time. But I felt selfish and wanted some time with Y/n on our own first, knowing that we would have a fun weekend ahead as a family. Hopefully, I'll then be able to surprise Ava at her last day of school.

The flight back to LA is pretty boring. I spent most of it reading a book. I want to sleep but I am so excited that I will be seeing Y/n in a matter of hours, it was an impossible task. I feel like a child at Christmas, unable to sleep to see what Santa has brought them.

I have a car waiting for me to drive me home. The whole journey my leg was bouncing, eager to get back. But LA traffic has other ideas today, creating a frustration I'd rather not have. By the time I get home, I practically run into my house, throwing my bags into the laundry room and deciding to deal with them later. I quickly jump in the shower, to wash the plane journey off of me, and pull out a casual outfit to change into. I then put together a weekend bag to take over to Y/n's as I don't plan on staying anywhere else.

Once I'm ready, I grab the keys to my car and put my bag in the trunk. On the way over I stop at the shop and grab us some wine for the evening. Getting back in the car, I can't keep the smile off my face, as I drive the familiar route to Y/n's apartment building.

Fighting with traffic again, my frustration is growing that she's so close yet so far from me. It's been nearly 4 whole months since I left for Atlanta, and we didn't get the chance to see each other as much as we wanted and ended up with only 2 visits. Knowing that I'm home now for the time being is such a great feeling. It'll be good to get back on track properly with my relationship with Y/n. We're stronger than ever and I can't wait to see where it goes now we're back together.

My next few projects are local to LA. I've got two animated movies I'm excited for. The scripts look really good, and I can't wait for Ava to see them when they're released. Then I've got a couple of weeks away here and there for a film called Rough Night at the end of the year. I'm really looking forward to filming that as it seems like it's going to be a good laugh to film.

Finally, I pull up at the parking lot at the apartment building. I grab my bag out of the trunk and walk up to the building with a spring in my step. I am impatiently hitting the button to call the elevator and wait eagerly as it takes me up to Y/n's floor. My heart rate starts to pump against my chest as I walk out and stand at Y/n's front door.

I place my bag on the floor so I can have both hands free to hold her and then firmly knock on the door twice. I can hear shuffling behind the door, and I'm pretty sure my heart is going to beat out of my chest. As the door opens, I can't help but admire Y/n, who is in her combat pants and Army t-shirt.

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