Chapter 12 - I don't need saving

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Y/n's POV:

It has been a month since I have left Atlanta and I am missing Scarlett a lot. She is hoping to get a lull in filming over the next couple of weeks and is planning on coming home to visit whilst she can. Not knowing exactly when it might be sucks but knowing it could hopefully be in a couple of weeks is exciting. We still speak every day and text throughout the day. But I miss having her with me physically so I can hold her and kiss her...and do other stuff too...

But that's besides the point. We are making it work and, although it's not been easy, it really has made our relationship stronger. Maybe the old saying is true. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Still, I'd much rather her home with Ava and me.

We have seen a lot more of Sophie since I came home. I don't know why she was getting so caught up on thinking that she was neglecting us. Even Ava understands she has a new boyfriend and wants to spend her time with him. But she comes over to have dinner with us a couple of times a week, sometimes bringing Matt a long which I like. It was all going perfectly. Until it wasn't.

I am home alone one evening whilst Ava is at a sleep over with Avri and Exton. Robert is back in a couple of weeks, so I was going to return the favour so they could have some time together. It wasn't often I had the evening to myself, so I am making the most of it. I have a nice cold bottle of cider, ordered take out from Star of Siam and I'm catching up on all the adult TV I have missed.

I am halfway through my Thai green curry when Sophie bursts through the door in tears. I shoot up from the sofa and run over to her and instantly pull her into a hug. "Sophie, are you ok? What's happened?" I ask calmly, whilst internally I am freaking out about what is wrong. Her breathing has picked up and she can't talk through her sobbing. "Soph, I need you to take a couple of deep breaths for me. Can you do that?" I ask, my hands firmly on her shoulders and taking exaggerated breaths myself.

She nods and copies my actions and soon was breathing normally, and her sobs have reduced down to small cries. I direct her over to the sofa. I grab her a glass of water and a box of tissues before joining her. "Can you tell me what's wrong now?" I ask calmly and she nods and takes a deep breath. "Matt left me." She said almost at a whisper. "He what?!" I ask trying to keep my voice calm, but not succeeding.

"Why has he left you? Did he cheat on you?" I question but she shakes her head. Her eyes drop to her hands, and she can't look at me. "Soph. It's me, you can talk to me about anything. I'm always going to be here for you." I reassure her, placing my hand over hers. She looks up at me as fresh tears started to fall. "Y/n. I'm pregnant."

I can't believe what she has just said. It was the last thing that I was expecting her to come out with. But then my mind starts to spin over the fact he's left her because she's pregnant. "So, he broke up with you because you're pregnant?" I clarify and she nods trying to stiffle a sob. "He said he couldn't do it. That he is just getting started in his career and won't have time for a baby." I scoff at her explanation and go to stand up. But I am stopped by her hand firmly grabbing me by my wrist.

"Please just stay with me." She pleads. I reluctantly nod and sit on the sofa, pulling her towards me so I can comfort her. "He's a complete dick. It takes two people to make a baby. He needs to stand up and take responsibility. How are you feeling about it all?" I ask running my hand up and down her arm.

She sighs and nuzzles her head further into my chest. "To be honest right now I don't know. This would all be a lot easier if I knew Matt was going to be by my side through it all." She says sadly. "Do you want to keep it?" I ask hesitantly. "Yeah, I think I do. It's certainly not ideal timing, but I see what an amazing job you've done with Ava and I think I want that." She explains and I nod.

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