Chapter 59 - The Olsen Twins

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Lizzie's POV:

As soon as I reach the door, I fling it open so hard that I almost take it off its hinges. "LIZZIE!" My sisters squeal at me at the same time. I throw my arms over them both and pull them into a big hug. "God, I've missed you both." I tell them truthfully. "We've missed you too little sis." Ashley says, giving my side a pinch. "How are you?" Mary-Kate asks.

I look at them both and I can see that they're worried I'm not coping after the shooting. "Really good actually. It's been a rough week or so, but Y/n has been great, and my therapist has had a few extra sessions from me." I tell them and they laugh. "That's great Lizzie, I'm glad. Now, do we get to meet the mystery Y/n or are we stuck to the doorway?" MK asks and I move out of the way for them to come in.

They place their bags by the door, and I guide them out to the garden so they can greet Y/n. As we get closer, Y/n notices us and gets up from her spot on the sofa. I instantly frown at her and rush to her side. "You're meant to be resting." I scold her but she's being her usual stubborn self. "My legs work just fine Lizzie." She tells me as my sisters join us. I give her a disapproving look but know that I won't win here.

"Y/n these are my sister Mary-Kate and Ashley." I introduce them. Y/n reaches out her hand to greet them both, which both of my sisters look at as if it's alien. Ashley is the first to speak up. "Hi Y/n, I'm Ash and we're huggers. If it's not going to hurt?" She greets and Y/n shakes her head. "Not at all." As soon as the last word left her mouth, Ashley wrapped her arms around her tentatively.

Mary-Kate then steps forward with a big smile. "Call me MK. It's great to finally meet you." She says, before repeating Ashley's action in giving Y/n a hug. "Now let's sit down before you give our sister an aneurism." She jokes. I roll my eyes at them all and make my way back inside whilst they get comfortable, I quickly run and grab us all drinks and return to the others where my sisters have somehow already started on the embarrassing stories. They've been here like 5 minutes how does that even happen?!

Y/n is sat in her seat laughing her head off, holding at her ribs, clearly in pain but unable to stop laughing. I run back inside and grab her pills. Since I spoke with Scarlett, I've gotten to pick up on signals of when Y/n is in pain. I've found that just turning up with pills in my hands works better than asking if she wants any.

When I take my seat next to Y/n, I subtly hold my hand in front of her and she takes the two pills and quickly swallows them both, washing them down with her coke. We fall into easy conversation, and I can tell my sisters like Y/n. It's very easy to see. If they don't like someone, it's very hard for them to tell their face to hide it!

They both quiz her on her life, from her job, to Ava, why she moved to LA and how she met Scarlett. Y/n easily shares with them, and I notice that she seems to be really comfortable around them. Which is surprising with how nervous she was to meet them. As the conversation comes to a natural pause, I watch as MK and Ash look at each other, having one of their twin telepathic conversations. They eventually agree on whatever they were thinking about and turn to Y/n.

"We actually both wanted to come and meet you to thank you. I mean, we both wanted to meet you before as Lizzie would talk a lot about her new bestie and you seem like a great person. But we couldn't not come to see you after what happened in that park." MK kind of rambles as Ashley nods along at her side.

I observe Y/n who adjusts how she's sitting. She really doesn't take compliments all too well and I can imagine that this next bit is going to be awkward for her. But she deserves to hear it. "Lizzie means everything to us and when we first heard what happened at the park, we were shocked and scared for her. We didn't know the details and we couldn't do anything but think about the worst case scenario." Ashley carries on.

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