Chapter 15 - How can I trust you?

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Scarlett's POV:

After I spoke with Lizzie, I was rushing around set trying to find the Russo brothers. I can't believe how much I've screwed this up. Why didn't I just tell her. I should have been truthful from the start with Y/n, she trusts me, and she would have understood everything. But instead, I thought I could deal with it on my own and it would all go away. Now I didn't know if I would even be able to fix my relationship.

I eventually find them heading toward the green screen set. I run in front of them and stop them. They give me a look like they know. I guess everyone has seen the article now. "I know that I'm really not in any position to ask for a favour, but I have an emergency. Please can I get a couple of days off so I can go back to LA." I plead with them. They both look at each other and sigh. "Look, I guess you've seen the article. I have made the biggest mistake, but those articles are wrong. I need to fix things with Y/n, she needs to know I'm not cheating on her. I can't do that from here. So, I am begging you. Please, let me have 2 days off."

I watch as they seem to have a silent conversation with each other. My heart is racing, I'm going regardless of what they say, but I pray that they will agree so I'm not in the shit when I get back. "Ok, take until Monday. I hope that you get everything sorted." Joe says with a tight-lipped smile. I let out a sigh of relief before picking up the phone to call Dina.

Safe to say I receive a complete earful from her. After I explain everything, she says she will deal with it and also get me on the next available flight back to LA. I rush back to my trailer to grab my things when I get a text from Dina saying that if I can be at the airport within the hour, I can get a night flight back to LA. Not having time to even think about going home, I grab what I have and make my way straight to the airport.

The paparazzi are waiting for me at the airport, shouting questions at me. Many assuming my relationship with Y/n is over. God, I hope its not but it's hard to see that she can forgive me. Trying my best not to react to any of the questions, I manage to get into a private lounge whilst I wait for my flight which is leaving in the next hour. I try calling Y/n a few times, but she doesn't answer. I follow up my call with texts, but she isn't even reading them, and I'm getting nervous.

When my phone does vibrate, I scramble to get my phone out of my pocket to see a message from Sophie. If I wasn't so terrified about losing everything, I'd be happy that Sophie has come to her senses and is protecting Y/n. Although I'm mad at the way she has treated her, I know that Y/n will continue to struggle without her in her life. I quickly message her back, hoping that she's not going to stop me seeing Y/n. She did swear to me all those months ago if I hurt her that she wouldn't let me near her.

Just as I am boarding the plane, my phone vibrates again, and it is another message from Sophie. My body fills with panic at the thought of Y/n drunk in a random bar. Thank God, Sophie's there. I try not to even think too much about the fact she's only seen Y/n worse once and I know exactly when that was. Although I have no right to ask her, I request that she keeps Y/n safe until I can get there.

The whole flight is horrible. I can't stop thinking about how I have managed to hurt Y/n once again. This could have been solved with one conversation, but no, I decided it would all blow over. Rather than letting myself spiral, I try and focus on how to approach this. What I need to say to her and hope that she'll listen.

Whilst I'm overthinking, curiosity gets the better of me and I have a look at a couple of articles. They are all instantly saying that I am cheating on Y/n or assuming that our relationship is over. But it is the photos that seem off to me. They weren't the usual papped pictures from a long lens camera. It was taken from someone in the actual restaurant. What's worrying is this isn't the first time. A lot of the photos released from when Y/n was visiting were taken from inside the museum or a restaurant we were at. I make a mental note to make sure to talk to Dina about that.

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