Chapter 20 - Hospitality

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Y/n's POV:

2 weeks. That's all that's left until Scarlett comes home. I'm not getting my hopes up but today she called to confirm that she has booked her flights and arrives on a Sunday morning. It's a shame that we don't have the weekend together, but luckily Ava will have just finished school for the holidays, so we'll have plenty of time together. 

She has also told me to make sure that I book off a couple of day in August so she can take Ava and I away, which we're both really excited about. She refuses to tell us where we're going but she has promised that we'll love it. I can't wait to go away. We've not gone away together yet and it's going to be even better going as a family.

After the two of us have caught up on what has been happening for each of us the last couple of days, her tone changes as she says she needs to talk to me about something. I try not to show any concern on my face, but I can see that she is worried about something.

Scarlett: Dina and I have been noticing that there have been a lot more photos taken of you and Ava together this last week or so. The worrying thing is, they're not coming from paparazzi sources.

I don't respond straight away as I'm trying to process what she was saying. Is there just some random person taking photos of us or is it just the public getting in on the act for a few quid?

Y/n: Right. Ok. What do you mean by that?

Scarlett: Dina did some digging and talked to a couple of contacts she has. It seems like the photos are being taken on a phone. Which suggests that it's a Joe Bloggs taking photos and selling them on to a magazine.

Y/n: Well, that's not creepy at all.

I feel a worry wash over me. I'm not bothered about myself, but I can't help the unnerving feeling in my stomach at the thought of Ava being a subject of these photos.

Scarlett: I know it's not a nice thought, but the only brightside I can add is they're not encroaching on your personal space. Dina reckons it's just people are seeing you in a restaurant or in the park and are using the opportunity to take a photo of you. I know you're worried about Ava, but I promise that we're dealing with it.

I nod and turn to look at her. Her eyes are filled with concern for us. This sucks.

Y/n: Well, thanks for telling me. I'll be careful when we're out and keep an eye out for anyone around us. If I see the same person regularly, I'll let you know.

I pause for a moment, letting everything sink in. This is just part of our life now. If I want to be with Scarlett, it's something I've got to deal with. As long as I'm able to protect Ava and Scarlett, that's all that matters.

Y/n: I guess I better end things with my mistress now I'm being watched.

I joke, needing to change the atmosphere of this phone call. I can't help but laugh as Scarlett's face morphs to one of disgust.

Scarlett: You better watch your ass Y/l/n. I'm not afraid to withhold sex when I'm home. I've gone 2 months without any, what's a couple more weeks.

My face completely drops as she sits with her trademark smirk.

Scarlett: That's what I thought.

Y/n: Talking of sex. Lizzie has demanded a sleep over with Ava when she's back, so I thought we could use it to our advantage.

I say, with a seductive tone, wiggling my eyebrows.

Scarlett: And what exactly did you have in mind?

Y/n: Well, after we've had our family time, we send Ava to Lizzie's. It'll be the summer holidays so they can go do something in the week, whilst we have a date night and an evening to ourselves. I'm thinking good food, wine, candles, long baths...

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