Chapter 25 - Another perfect day

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Y/n's POV:

The next morning, we were all up early again, ready to greet the day. The plan was to go to the waterpark, which I was grateful for as it was a hot day today, so getting the chance to be in and out of the water sounds good to me! After breakfast, we got all our things together.

I get distracted from my task when Scarlett walks out of the bathroom in a blue and pink floral bikini. My eyes bulge and my mouth drops open when I see her sway her hips as she walks towards me. Thankfully Ava is still in her room, so I step forward and place my hands on her hips. "I will never tire of this view. You are absolutely gorgeous." I whisper as I lean down and place feather likes kisses along her shoulder, causing her to let out a quiet hum.

I notice that her cheeks have blushed at my words and actions. I smirk, loving I can have that effect on her. "When do I get to see the goods?" She asks, tugging at my oversized army t-shirt I had on to cover me whilst we head to the waterpark. "That's just a treat waiting for you later." I reply at a husk in her ear.

I walk away towards the bed and continue to pack the bag for the day, whilst Scarlett stands with her cheeks blushed. I pack my kindle for me and some colouring books for Ava. If we can find some shade it'll be good to keep Ava entertained whilst we rest.

My bag is getting full when Scarlett walks over to me with an innocent smile and attempting puppy dog eyes. "Uh oh. What do you want?" I ask with a smirk. "Could you put my things in your bag?" She asks sweetly, her face pointed down, looking through her eyebrows at me. I laugh at her child like behaviour and hold out my hand to take her stuff.

I couldn't help but laugh at the constant stream of items which were being passed over to me. I gave her a playful glare and she just smirked back at me. After my Mary Poppins bag was full, I sling it over my shoulder and make sure we've each got towels and drinks for the day in a separate bag. Scarlett takes Ava's hand and we are greeted by Ryan who is taking us over to the waterpark this morning.

He greets us and kindly takes my bag and places it in a bag compartment at the back of the little buggy. Scarlett gets in and I lift Ava so she can sit on her lap. Instantly Scarlett's arms wrap around her protectively, making sure she is safe. Ryan then jumps in the driver's seat and takes us to the waterpark which was the other side of the park.

When we pull up at the entrance, we are greeted by another staff member who introduces herself as Sadie. She is apparently going to be there to help whilst we're at the park. I'm not sure what help we'll need but I guess it's all part of the package when you're on holiday with a celebrity.

I take my bag from Ryan and thank him before turning back to Sadie. "Is there a locker area or something where we can leave our things? Then perhaps we can find some sunbeds to be our little base camp." I ask, thinking it'll be good to get somewhere we can come back to and rest.

Scarlett reaches over and takes my hand, smiling up at me. "You don't need to worry about that. I've got something arranged." She says secretively and I raise an eyebrow at her. She just shrugs her shoulders and turns so we can follow Sadie. We eventually arrive at a section of the park where there are a number of cabanas set out. I turn to look at Scarlett who is already watching me for my reaction.

Sadie guided us to one that was slightly out of the way but had the perfect amount of sun and shade. "This will be your cabana for the day. The are some towels in that bag for your use. If you have any valuables you want to store away whilst you explore the park, you can use the safe. As you can see there is a mini fridge there. There are already some bottles of water, but feel free to use it how you like. These walls can be dropped down if you need some protection from the sun. And finally, I'm your host for the day, so if you need anything please just let me know. I can arrange for any food or drinks you may need." She summarises.

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