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Jerez, Spain. Pre Season Testing February 2008

"Red flag! Red flag. Box Sebastian, box," came the voice of Sebastian's race engineer, Riccardo.  Seb immediately heard the urgency in the Italian man's voice.   He slowed right down and began coasting back to the pits, following behind the scarlet red Ferrari of reigning world champion, Kimi Raikkonen. 

"What's happened?" he asked Riccardo.  He expected to hear that someone had broken down, or had beached it in the gravel at Turn 6. 

As he passed Turn 6 he saw that the incident was indeed there.  However, the twisted and torn lump of metal and carbon fibre that he glimpsed was definitely not a beached car. In fact, it didn't resemble a Formula 1 car in the slightest. He couldn't even tell what team it was. 

He continued on following Raikkonen and finally came to a stop outside his garage.  The crew wheeled him back inside.  He undid his belts, removed the steering wheel and climbed out. 

He yanked his gloves off and raised his visor up before asking his number one mechanic, Antonio, what had happened. 

"I don't know Sebastian.  All I know was there was only the one car involved.  Whether it was driver error, or something else, I have no idea."  Seb was filled with a sense of dread.  Who was it? Were they ok?

"Do you know who it was?"

"It was a Force India I believe.  I'm not sure if it was Scott or Fisichella driving this morning."   Seb shook his head in shock.  He knew that it was Michael Scott, the Australian double world champion.   They'd said good morning to each other as they'd arrived in the paddock at the same time.

"Shit, it doesn't look good.  I'm going to go and see if they know anything on the wall."  He removed his HANS device and his helmet, putting them back inside the cockpit of his Toro Rosso car. 

He walked briskly across the pit lane, pulling off his balaclava as he reached the pit wall.  He slipped onto the empty stool next to his team principal, Franz Tost.

"What happened? Is Michael ok?"

"He seemed to lose the back end of the car.  The medical car is there, that is all I know."  It was at that moment they heard the sound of sirens on the other side of the track. Seb ran his fingers through his hair.  He had always dreaded this happening.  Of course he knew it was a dangerous sport, but the shock and worry when something like this happened...well, nothing could prepare you for that. 

He wasn't a religious man but he found himself offering up a silent prayer.  Please let Michael be ok.  He didn't know the Australian that well but the older man had been very welcoming when Seb had first started driving practice sessions.  He'd told a very nervous Seb that he could always go to him if he needed anything.  Seb really looked up to him.  After Michael Schumacher, Michael Scott was one of the drivers he'd admired the most growing up.  He could still remember the tall, blonde Australian celebrating on the podium in Suzuka after winning his first championship for McLaren in 1998, and again in Sepang the following year after winning his second. 

His heart sank as he thought about the driver's family. Were they here? His wife, Angela, didn't often attend, she had a fairly busy acting career, but sometimes she'd come along with the kids. Seb tried to think how many Scott children there were.  He knew there were a lot.   There were two boys and a handful of girls, one a similar age to himself. 

"I'm sure he'll be fine," Franz told him, sensing his young driver's angst. Seb nodded, although inside he was fearing the worst.  He couldn't forget the sight he'd seen at turn 6.  How could anyone survive that?  Still, if anyone could, Michael Scott could.  He'd had big crashes before and survived.  The man was a legend.  For twenty years he'd been one of the greats in Formula 1, and now at the age of 43 he was embarking on his final season. 

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