64.Missing memories

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As soon as she set her eyes on Jennie, Lisa's head throbbed and few pieces of her memories began coming back.  It is a high end nightclub and Lisa is with Lee Mingyu.

They were sitting not too far from Pranpriya and were staring at her intently. 

Jennie was sitting at a corner. 

When Lisa and Mingyu went to investigate on Pranpriya for the first time, they didn't get to confirm Jennie's facial identity. So, they didn't know that the girl sitting little far from them is Jennie. 

Due to this, Lisa didn't pay her much attention, but Jennie is there and she is sitting at the other corner. 

Meanwhile, when Lisa saw Sehun going to the washroom, she followed him. It was how she ended up seeing her brother Taehyung.

Lisa's head started hurting more as she forced herself to remember more of it. But she got a vague pieces in which she was talking with Sehun.  She didn't understand what she was doing with Sehun, and why exactly she's looking at Pranpriya!! 

'Am I spying on Linda? but why would I be doing such a thing?' she questioned in her head.

She understood that her brother Taehyung came with his girlfriend Jennie. And she came with Mingyu. 

'Did Sehun come with Pranpriya?' she asked in her head again, but in Pranpriya's memory she was not able to get the piece together. 

Pranpriya came alone and she is actually waiting for someone. Lisa couldn't help but think even harder about this.  (From Pranpriya's memory) 

She recalled that Pranpriya got a call from a mysterious number and was asked to come to that high end club.  She was told that Sehun's sister wanted to meet her. Since Pranpriya wanted to meet any members of his family, she agreed instantly.  She even remember that Pranpriya saw her(Lisa) for the first time there.

Later on the next day she (Lisa) came to Sehun's office with a man. 

As Jungkook is in disguise then, Lisa didn't recognize him as Jungkook.

Her headache intensified and Lisa couldn't handle the pain anymore, so she quickly went back to the parking lot and drove away.  Since she couldn't go back so soon, she went back to ADORN. The fashion launch is the day after tomorrow so, she indulges herself in it.

The following day. Lisa didn't sleep all through the entire night. She didn't understand how she is connected to Pranpriya in these past six months.  In Pranpriya's memory, the pieces belonging to herself (Lisa)  are so vague. She doesn't remember much, which is very infuriating. 

"I really want to know what happened in those six months." Lisa mumbled to herself as she made her way to Jisoo's house. 

"Pranpriya, you have a doctor appointment today." Jungkook informed her. He couldn't sleep well last night as well. 

"I know. It's 6 in the evening right?" she smiled as she asked. 

Once again Lisa couldn't help but wondered why Pranpriya left him. He is such a good person.  But she knew that Pranpriya left all of them for their own good. She could tell that something is totally wrong with Pranpriya's life. 

Because, she can't remember anything from Pranpriya's life. Eight years of Pranpriya's life is blank that she couldn't get any details of those years.  "Hmm ...it's 6pm." Jungkook affirm.

"Do you want any of us to accompany you?" he asked. 

His eyes were bloodshot and he look exhausted due to the lack of sleep and his cries over Lisa.

Lisa left but she didn't go to ADORN. She went to her house near the suburbs which is off the records that it belongs to Kim Lalisa. 

It is the exact house which Lisa used for spying on others and also her personal stuff, like hacking and lots more. This is the house from which she operated everything she planted in Hanbin's house. 

Since she doesn't have that memory she doesn't remember any of those.  The house is something no one knows about so, she relaxed a little bit and strolled into the house after entering the pin code. 

But as soon as she went, someone covered her mouth from behind.  .... Meanwhile at Jungkook's side. Jungkook reached the company and the people whom he commanded to come to China were already waiting for him. 

"Good morning all." Jungkook said in an intimidating tone, even though he's saying his greetings. 

"Let's not waste time here anymore. I will go straight to the point, but before this, you must remember that whatever you are doing now is not related to any official council matters.  So, the things you do here should be smooth and silent. And also, you should be careful not to raise any suspicions." Jungkook said. 

"We are not as powerful as the enemies here and most importantly we don't even  know who they are, so the danger might come from an unexpected angles." he added. After his brief warning and insight, he moved on to the plans on how to investigate Lisa's death.

At the end, all they could conclude is that, whoever this enemy is, he or she is damn professional and cautious.

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