chapter 20

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Imani Wynter Solace | Mani

✎: You got to be fucking kidding me.

I got a bone to pick with them now cause what the fuck had me shitting my fucking panties bruh.

Groaning I drove over the speeding limit home as my house was only about five minutes from where we was at right now, turning off to enter my drive way "take that bag whilst you're at it" I told Kim and she picked up the bag walking towards the door.

I got out the car and saw the car park up on the opposite side of the street the car turning off and the doors opening Saint and Hakeem's headass getting out of the car a wide ass grin on his face.

I walked up to my door and opened it letting Kim and myself inside and locking the door because there's no fucking way they just followed me around like some damn creeps and couldn't even tell me.

Some pussies I'll tell you that.

I heard banging on the door and as always Kim's fast self was about to go answer the door "girl if you don't sit your black ass down" I mumbled and she scoffed taking the items out of the bag, I had taken off my sweatpants and I didn't wanna go answer the door both mine and Kim's outfits are reasons why I cover up half of the time.

But my parents ain't here to slut shame me today.

Peeping through the lil peep hole I saw the two useless idiots, unlocking the door I hid my body behind the door only my face being visible to them "go home before I call the feds" I threatened and they just looked at each other and laughed.

"You ain't calling no feds" Saint chuckled shrugging his shoulders as he looked real comfortable standing outside my door.

"You know what Hakeem can go inside cause I don't wanna upset my friend but you gotta go home" I said letting Hakeem inside semi closing the door he took off his sneakers leaving him in black Nike socks "just keep going straight you'll find the kitchen" he nodded listening to my instructions I watched him go inside and then fully opened the door back up.

The Lord knows I wasn't bouta make Saint go home but it was just fun playing with him a lil, he needs to lighten up then maybe I can let him inside he's just so serious all the time and right now he looks like he wants to take my head off.

Or maybe it's his face, see you can never tell.

"Why haven't you gone home?" I said trying to put on a soft voice like I was talking to kid who just lost their parents.

"Imani stop playing wimme" he said beginning to become frustrated sensing that my plan was successful on getting him a lil irritated I put on a fake thinking face.

My thinking stopped after 0.1 seconds as they was nothing to really think about but as I said I just wanted him to be irritated so maybe this could teach him to lighten up who knows?

"Finee, I'll let you inside" I finally widen the door enough so he could actually fit through even though he was a lil skinny but muscular at the same time.

And grabbed his arm pulling him inside as he stared at me with a bored look on his face.

Locking the door behind him, he was abouta walk through the house but I immediately pulled him back, "Sir take off them sneakers you ain't special" and he kissed his teeth at me kicking his sneakers off I placed them behind Hakeem's sneakers and grabbed his arm and took him to the kitchen.

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