chapter 8

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Imani Wynter Solace | Mani

✎: The game had been finished for a while now and there wasn't really much to do till the party started at 8PM— and it's only quarter to two.

Even though it's not an actual after party it's someone party their hosting but because its after the game they called it that because the team can go and drink as much as they like till their next season.

But speaking of the game we won 108-96 so now they could really celebrate if they don't get too drunk before the party even starts. "Kim what the fuck are we gonna do the next seven or something hours?"

"Ion know but we can go to that fun fair opening up at four today" she suggested and I nodded my head.

"Everyone is going to that diner down there we might as well go and pass some time" I said to her and she turned to look and saw literally everyone and their momma walking down there.

"Cmon" she murmured grabbing ahold of my arm and dragging me in the direction of the diner, barging through the crowd just trying to get a nice seat in the diner before everyone came and filled it up like always making most people having to sit at the bar or sit at the window in which I despise so much.

Cause I hate the idea of people walking passed walking me like this is some damn circus. Abruptly stopping in the middle of the busy crowd "Kim don't tell me you're already hungry?" I wondered aloud and she tugged on my arm realising I've stopped moving.

Looking back she rolled her eyes and kept on dragging me "gir-" I mumbled getting annoyed of her dragging me through these people when we could've literally just walked around them or on the street.

Getting to the diner, she brought us to a booth and had me out of breath, leaning my head in my palms I heard the bell ring a hundred times as more people walked in from the basketball game.

Sometimes I question if this company has thought about getting an expansion or another floor because they would make so much money from everyone always coming in here after a successful basketball game.

After I while I sat back up in my seat after my breathing had finally calmed down "so you're not gonna answer my question?" I peeked over at Kim seeing her indulging her mind into something else.

"Oh.. yeah" she mumbled out thinking about her answer for a while I rolled my eyes at her for not paying attention, "probably gonna get nachos or something" she shrugged and I slowly nodded looking at the nachos side of the menu.

"Make that two and when you go up there can you get me a strawberry milkshake?" Nodding she got up and went to order whilst I stared outside watching the cars zoom by the street becoming quiet as everyone settled inside the diner.

I zoned out for a second until my brain started to create images of the same group we saw the other day, snapping out of it I looked closer and confirmed the images I was seeing until I looked even closer and saw my friend chopping it up with the man she wanted.

I don't be involving myself with men but because my potential future husband is standing right in front of me I pretended to be mad and walked outside. Carefully crossing the road I stomped over to Kim "Kim you can't just leave and not tell me" I scolded.

If I was being honest I cared about her just getting up and going but that was only if I didn't see her from across the street and wasn't somewhere else where we would've had an issue.

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